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作者: 2013年07月22日 来源: 浏览量:
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英文篇名】 Experimental Research on the Clarification Performance of YDF250 Centrifugal Separator Toward Green Tea Suspension
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【作者】 李化; 邱家山; 马泽民; 施光明;
【英文作者】 LI Hua2; QIU Jia-shan2; MA Ze-min2; SHI Guang-ming1(1.Sichuan university; chemical engineering institute; chemical engineering machine department; Chengdu 610065; China; 2.Sichuan Yingde corporation of bio-process technology; China);
【作者单位】 四川大学化工学院化机系; 四川英德生物过程技术有限公司; 四川成都;
【文献出处】 过滤与分离 , Journal of Filter & Separator, 编辑部邮箱期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊  CJFD收录刊
【中文关键词】 分离机; 澄清性能; 参数寻优; 均匀设计; 生化分离; 绿茶;
【英文关键词】 centrifugal separator; clarification performance; parameter optimization; uniformity design method; bio-chemistry separation; green tea;
【摘要】 以绿茶悬浮液为物料,测试YDF250全自动高参数生物分离机的澄清性能,并建立最佳澄清条件,为中药制剂和饮料类物料的分离提纯提供参考。设计了试验装置;先用实验室小试掌握基本数据;再采用单变量现场测试,分别改变进料量和分离因数,测试清液的吸光度变化;最后采用均匀设计法设计了U5(53)试验方案,以最少的试验次数得到了以吸光度变化百分比为指标,以Fr、V、C为因素的回归方程,寻求到最佳澄清条件。
【英文摘要】 Taking green tea suspension as test sample, the clarification performance of YDF250 full automatic high-performance bio-centrifugal separator was tested in the present paper.The optimal clarification conditions were established,which provided references for the separation and purification of materials such as Chinese Traditional Medicine preparation and beverage. The testing equipment was designed.Firstly,the basic data was obtained by small-scale test in the laboratory.Secondly, through single variable on-...
【基金】 国家中小型企业创新基金资助项目(NO.012C26215100212)
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