【英文篇名】 Application of XJH type highly shearing and crushing mixer in the production of Ur-based compound fertilizer by tower granulation
【作者】 刘士超; 许月龙;
【英文作者】 LIU Shi-chao; XU Yue-long(Lushun Changcheng Chemical Pump Factory; Dalian; Liaoning 116049; China);
【作者单位】 旅顺长城化工泵厂; 辽宁大连;
【文献出处】 磷肥与复肥 , Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer, 编辑部邮箱 2007年 02期
期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊
【中文关键词】 尿基复合肥; 高塔熔融造粒; XJH型高剪切粉碎混合机;
【英文关键词】 urea-based compound fertilizer; tower granulation; XJH highly shearing and crushing mixer;
【摘要】 介绍专利产品XJH型高剪切粉碎混合机的工作原理、结构及其特点。该设备用于高塔熔融造粒生产尿基复合肥,粉碎混合含有固体物料的尿素熔液,解决了高塔造粒喷头易堵的问题,提高了生产效率。该机结构新颖,配合简捷,运行平稳,使用寿命长。
【英文摘要】 As a patent product,the working mechanics,structure and features of XJH type highly shearing and crushing mixer are presented.The equipment is used for crushing the melting urea containing solid materials in urea-based compound fertilizer production by tower granalation,thus avoiding the block of tower sprayer and improving the running efficiency.The facility is new in structure,simple in assembling,stable in operation and durable in employment.
【DOI】 CNKI:SUN:LFYF.0.2007-02-018
【分类号】 TQ440.5
【正文快照】 在大型复合肥装置中,用50~60℃的K2SO4、NH4H2PO4和填料按比例加入130~140℃尿素熔液,经造粒塔旋转喷头小孔喷出,在高塔中下落成粒。此前的剪切粉碎混合设备是采用灯笼架结构,即电机通过灯笼架与剪切体相连,在轴的下端设置滑动轴承,因混合液介质中的固体颗粒坚硬,磨蚀速度快,