【英文篇名】 Application of Hardness Examination in Inspection of Pressure Vessel
【作者中文名】 丁小平;
【作者英文名】 Ding Xiaoping (Lianyungang Branch; Jiangsu Province special Equipment Safety Supervision Research Institute; Lianyungang 222003);
【作者单位】 江苏省特种设备安全监督检验研究院连云港分院 连云港;
化工设备与管道, Process Equipment & Piping, 编辑部邮箱 2008年 03期
期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊
【关键词】 压力容器检验; 硬度测定; 强度校核;
【英文关键词】 pressure vessel inspection; hardness measurement; strength check;
【摘要】 材料硬度值与其强度存在着一定的比例关系,对钢铁材料来说,其抗拉强度近似等于布氏硬度值的三倍;材料化学成分中,大多数合金元素都会使材料的硬度升高,其中碳对材料硬度的影响最直接,材料中的碳含量越大,其硬度越高,因此硬度试验有时用来判断材料强度等级或鉴别材质;一些压力容器通过硬度测定结合化学成分分析来确定材料强度,进行强度校核,可避免造成部分设备资源的浪费,同时确保设备的安全进行。
【英文摘要】 There exists proportional relation between the hardness and the strength of materials.For steel and iron materials,the ultimate strength approximately equals to three fimes of Brinell hardness value.In the chemical compositions of materials,most of alloy compositions can make the hardness value enhanced.In that,carbon has the most direct effect on hardness.More carbon is contained,harder the material is.Thus,sometimes,hardness test can be used to determine the strength of material or to classify the materia...