这个耗资70万美元(50万英镑)的竞争被设计用来鼓励地质学家和工程师使用在去年英国政府资助的Rockall盆地和Mid North Sea高地地区地震测量期间采集的数据来创新和开发产品潜力。
李峻 编译
UK regulator launches exploration license competition
Global Oil & Gas News
LONDON -- The Oil and Gas Authority—the UK’s industry regulator—has launched a competition linked to future exploration licensing rounds in order to stimulate further offshore oil and gas exploration activity in the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS).
The $700,000(£500,000) competition has been designed to encourage geoscientists and engineers to develop innovative interpretations and products potentially using the data acquired during last year’s government-funded seismic surveys of the Rockall basin and Mid North Sea High (MNSH) areas.
Successful applicants may be awarded up to $42,700 (£30,000) ‘seed funding’ to carry out initial analysis, then two winning candidates may be awarded around $142,000 (£100,000) to develop their work into a final product for use by the OGA.
It is hoped the competition will not only significantly increase the understanding of these frontier areas in respect of the 29th Seaward Licensing Round later in the year, but also retain talent in the oil and gas community, which has been affected by the oil and gas industry downturn.