据ZAWYA 7月17日消息,欧盟代表团团长伊凡?苏尔科周二在欧盟与埃及新一轮能源对话的间隙对埃及日报表示,欧盟驻埃及代表团将很快启动一个新的2000万欧元能源项目。
苏尔科说, “这个名为欧盟能源的新项目是一个为期五年的项目,目的是加强埃及在天然气领域的能力建设、经验传承和专业技能。”
尹路 编译自 ZAWYA
EU to launch $22mln energy project in Egypt
The European Union (EU) Delegation to Egypt will launch a new €20m energy project soon, Ivan Surko, head of the EU Delegation, told Daily News Egypt on Tuesday, on the sidelines of a new round of the energy dialogue between the EU and Egypt.
“The new project, called EU for Energy, is a five-year project for capacity building, passing experience, and strengthening the expertise of Egypt in the gas sector,” Surko? said.
The EU will be involved in financing further projects in Egypt’s energy sector over grants combined with loans from the European financial institutions such as, the European Investment Bank (EIB), AFD, and others, Surko? added, noting that the EU supports Egyptian industrial projects that use renewable energy.