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作者: 2019年07月22日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据阿联酋通讯社7月17日报道称,穆巴达拉石油公司宣布与Premier石油公司签署了一项协议,将Andaman I和南Andaman PSCs区块 20%的参与权转让给后者。

据阿联酋通讯社7月17日报道称,穆巴达拉石油公司宣布与Premier石油公司签署了一项协议,将Andaman I和南Andaman PSCs区块 20%的参与权转让给后者。

穆巴达拉石油公司是Andaman I和邻近南Andaman PSCs区块的运营商。


Andaman I和邻近南Andaman PSCs区块位于亚齐省近海北部的苏门答腊盆地。虽然勘探不足,但已探明。

穆巴达拉石油公司的首席执行官 Dr. Bakheet Al Katheeri在宣布这一消息时说,“通过此次转让外包协议,穆巴达拉石油将扩大与Premier石油公司的合作伙伴关系,共同勘探亚齐省近海的Andaman区块。双方都对这一新的高影响增长领域有着坚定的承诺,这一领域支持穆巴达拉石油公司的发展战略,即为印尼不断增长的市场寻找并开发天然气。”

徐蕾 摘译自 阿联酋通讯社


UAE's Mubadala Petroleum to farmout 20% participating interest in Indonesia

Mubadala Petroleum has announced the signing of an agreement with Premier Oil to farmout a 20 percent participating interest in each of the Andaman I and South Andaman Gross Split Production Sharing Contracts, PSCs.

Mubadala Petroleum is the operator of both the Andaman I and adjacent South Andaman PSCs.

According to a statement issued by Mubadala Petroleum, completion of the transaction is subject to customary conditions including government approvals.

The Andaman I and South Andaman PSCs are located in the underexplored but proven North Sumatra basin offshore Aceh.

Commmenting on the announcement, Dr. Bakheet Al Katheeri,Mubadala Petroleum, ’s Chief Executive Officer, said, "With this farmout, Mubadala Petroleum will extend its partnership with Premier Oil for the exploration of the Andaman blocks offshore Aceh. Both partners have a strong commitment to this new high impact growth area which supports Mubadala Petroleum’s growth strategy of finding and, if successful, developing gas for Indonesia’s growing markets."

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标签:穆巴达拉 Premier石油 参与权
