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作者: 2019年07月23日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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API首席经济学家Dean Foreman在一份组织声明中表示:“按照美国能源信息署(EIA)的预测,美国在2020年成为能源净出口国的道路上似乎正在取得实质性进展,尽管油价在5月至6月期间下跌了10%,但美国的石油产量仍在继续攀升。”

Dean Foreman补充道:“这一趋势在一定程度上是由盈亏平衡价格越来越低、关键生产地区生产力的强劲增长,以及将这些资源推向市场所需的新增管道基础设施所推动的。”


裘寅 编译自 钻机地带


US Oil Exports Reach New All-Time High

U.S. crude oil exports reached a new all-time high of 3.3 million barrels per day (MMbpd) in June.

That’s according to the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) latest monthly statistical report released Thursday, which highlighted that the record exports helped reduce U.S. net petroleum imports to 1.3MMbpd.

Total U.S. petroleum exports for the month were at 8.4MMbpd, according to the report, which noted that this was a record for June. This was said to be an increase of 3.6 percent from May and 7.9 percent from June last year.

Record U.S. crude oil production of 12.2 MMbpd was sustained in June “despite less drilling”, according to the report.

“The U.S. appears to be making substantive progress towards becoming a net energy exporter in 2020, as projected by the EIA, with production continuing to sustain its upward climb despite oil prices having declined 10 percent between May and June,” API Chief Economist Dean Foreman said in an organization statement.

“This trend has been driven in part by increasingly low breakeven prices, strong productivity gains in key production regions and the incremental additions of new pipeline infrastructure needed to bring these resources to market,” he added.

Back in June, the API revealed that in May, U.S. petroleum exports and crude oil production saw records. In its second quarter industry outlook report, also released in June, the API said the United States was poised for a continuation of record oil production. This report also highlighted that while U.S. crude oil export capacity has been “sufficient”, some capacity estimates suggest “some urgency to plan forward”.

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标签:美国 原油出口 330万桶/日
