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作者: 2020年03月10日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据3月9日路透社报道,印尼财政部长英德拉瓦蒂(Sri Mulyani Indrawati)周一表示,她正在评估全球油价暴跌对2020年国家预算的影响。

据3月9日路透社报道,印尼财政部长英德拉瓦蒂(Sri Mulyani Indrawati)周一表示,她正在评估全球油价暴跌对2020年国家预算的影响。



洪伟立 摘译自 路透社


Indonesia finmin assessing impact of oil price plunge on state budget

Indonesia’s Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati on Monday said she was assessing the impact of a plunge in global oil prices on the 2020 state budget.

Indonesia is a net oil importer, but a portion of government revenues comes from the oil and gas sector.

There can be a drop in the nominal value of Indonesia’s oil imports due to steep falls in prices, depending on how long prices stay low, but some state revenues might also fall, Indrawati told reporters.

The drop in oil prices “in the currently depressed economic condition, can actually be positive and stimulating” for some countries, she said, but noted that the uncertainty surrounding “the oil price war” was also triggering capital outflows.

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标签:油价 国家预算 印尼
