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埃克森美孚West Barracouta气田首口井完工

作者: 2020年03月11日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据Oil & Gas Journal网站3月9日报道 埃克森美孚在巴斯海峡的West Barracouta气田计划开发的两口井中,第一口井已达到完钻井深,计划在2021年增加澳大利亚国内市场的天然气供应。

据Oil & Gas Journal网站3月9日报道 埃克森美孚在巴斯海峡的West Barracouta气田计划开发的两口井中,第一口井已达到完钻井深,计划在2021年增加澳大利亚国内市场的天然气供应。



新的项目建立在合资公司投资超过55亿澳元的基础上,投资于维多利亚州其他近海项目,包括Kipper Tuna Turrum油田和陆上Longford天然气处理厂。

吴恒磊 编译自 Oil & Gas Journal


ExxonMobil completes first well on West Barracouta gas field

ExxonMobil has reached total depth in the first of two planned development wells in the West Barracouta gas field in Bass Strait, designed to bolster gas supplies to Australia’s domestic market in 2021.

The development, in license VIC/L1 in the offshore Gippsland basin of Victoria, will be tied back to the existing Barracouta production infrastructure (OGJ Online, Dec. 13, 2018).

ExxonMobil and partner BHP first began drilling in Bass Strait in 1965 and Barracouta was the first discovery. Since then, 10 tcf of gas and 4 billion bbl of oil have been produced from Bass Strait fields.

The new project builds on more than $5.5 billion (Aus.) invested by the joint venture in other recent offshore Victorian projects, including Kipper Tuna Turrum fields and the onshore Longford gas conditioning plant.

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