据3月24日Offshore Energy报道,全球能源集团(Global Energy Group)上周五表示,2020年3月19日当地时间晚上7点30分左右,诺布尔钻井平台Hans Deul号抵达尼格(Nigg)石油终端,在Strathdon 港口拖轮的帮助下停泊。
该自升式钻井平台最近在英国北海为Spirit Energy公司工作。去年10月该公司为行使了2009年建造的诺布尔Hans Deul自升式平台的最终选择权,将合同延长至2020年4月。
值得一提的是,Global Energy在与苏格兰皇家房地产公司(Crown Estates Scotland)签订新租约后,接手了该终端的长期运营。该公司计划利用该终端作为尼格港停泊能力的延伸,并表示希望在未来几周和几个月内有更多的船只使用该设施。目前,已经有很多人表示对该设施感兴趣。
邹勤 摘译自 Offshore Energy
Noble rig first to arrive at Nigg Oil Terminal jetty
Global Energy Group said last Friday that the rig Noble Hans Deul berthed at the Nigg Terminal Jetty on March 19, 2020, around 7:30 pm local time, after being maneuvered into position with the assistance of Caledonian Towage’s Strathdon harbor tug.
The jack-up rig has recently worked for Spirit Energy in the UK North Sea. Spirit Energy last October exercised final option well for the 2009-built Noble Hans Deul jack-up, extending the contract to April 2020.
Global Energy took over the lease and operation of the Nigg Terminal jetty on February 28 this year, and the company stated that there was already a lot of interest shown to use the deepwater facility.
The firm plans on utilizing the jetty as an extension of the Port of Nigg berthing capability and stated that it was hopeful that further vessels would utilize the facility in the coming weeks and months.
To remind, Global Energy took over the long-term operation of the jetty following an agreement with Repsol Sinopec Resources UK under a new lease with Crown Estates Scotland.