据油田技术3月24日报道,为应对当前疲弱的市场和超低的油价,弗龙特拉能源公司(Frontera Energy)计划将2020年资本支出削减约60%,至1.3亿-1.5亿美元。
这些支出将主要集中在公司核心资产Quifa SW、CPE-6及其在哥伦比亚的轻中型石油业务部门的开发和维护项目上。修订后的资本计划旨在优化生产,同时在油价下跌期间使公司的现金余额最大化。
王佳晶 摘译自 油田技术
Frontera Energy reduces 2020 CAPEX by 60%
Frontera Energy has responded to the Covid-19 pandemic and low oil prices by reducing planned 2020 CAPEX by around 60% to a range of US$130 to US$150 million.
Those expenditures will be primarily focused on development and maintenance activities in the company's core assets of Quifa SW, CPE-6 and its light and medium oil business unit in Colombia. The revised capital plan has been developed with the goal of optimising production while maximising the cash balances of the company during this period of lower oil prices.
With these changes, revised average annual production in 2020 is expected to be in the range of 55 000 to 60 000 bpd, a decrease of only 8% compared to 2020 guidance despite the significant decrease in CAPEX. The company has deliberately shut-in a number of wells that are not economic to operate at current prices and will monitor operations continuously to optimise cash generation.
The company is also actively working to reduce production, transportation and G&A costs, and will provide further information on the results of those initiatives as the financial goals are achieved.?