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作者: 2020年03月27日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据世界石油网站3月23日消息 瓦锡兰(W?rtsil?)向芬兰劳马市的萨塔昆塔应用科学大学(SAMK)提供了导航模拟器和特定的数学模型,这些技术将作为智能船舶技术测试实验室(ISTLAB)项目的一个重要推动因素,该项目旨在

据世界石油网站3月23日消息 瓦锡兰(W?rtsil?)向芬兰劳马市的萨塔昆塔应用科学大学(SAMK)提供了导航模拟器和特定的数学模型,这些技术将作为智能船舶技术测试实验室(ISTLAB)项目的一个重要推动因素,该项目旨在为遥控、自主船舶创建一个技术精确的测试环境。与瓦锡兰的合同于2019年第四季度签署。


瓦锡兰航行解决方案副总经理Alexander Ozersky说:“该项目是另一个例子,说明瓦锡兰的模拟技术如何为未来的、现成的、智能海洋解决方案提供一个必要的测试环境。该项目的成果和所涉及的技术可以在全世界范围内用于提高海上作业的安全性和效率。”

萨塔昆塔应用科学大学培训经理Meri-Maija Marva表示:“目的是最终开发一个实际的案例研究。然而,首先我们需要进行模拟测试,而对于这一点,瓦锡兰技术是必不可少的。在这个极其重要的项目中,瓦锡兰的全面支持至关重要。”


吴恒磊 编译自 世界石油


W?rtsil? creates testbed for smart marine solutions

W?rtsil? has delivered a navigation simulator and specific mathematical models to the Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) in the city of Rauma, Finland. These will be used as an essential enabler in the Intelligent Shipping Technology Test Laboratory (ISTLAB) project, which aims at creating a technically precise testing environment for remotely controlled, autonomous vessels. The contract with W?rtsil? was signed in the 4th quarter of 2019.

The test laboratory project is the first of its kind in the world, and its unique approach will identify and open the prospects and possibilities for remote vessel pilotage.

“This project is yet another example of how W?rtsil?’s simulation technology can enable an essential testing environment for future, ready-to-go, smart marine solutions. The results of this project, and the technology involved, can be utilized worldwide to deliver enhanced safety and efficiency in marine operations,” says Alexander Ozersky, Deputy General Manager, Voyage Solutions, W?rtsil?.

“The intention is to eventually develop an actual case study. However, first we need to carry out simulated testing, and for this the W?rtsil? technology is essential. The overall support from W?rtsil? in this tremendously important project has been critical,” says Meri-Maija Marva, Training Manager, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences.

W?rtsil? and SAMK have worked in close cooperation for more than 20 years. The university already has a full mission simulator with six bridges at its facility, which was installed in 2016.

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标签:瓦锡兰 数学模型
