据今日油价3月27日报道,俄罗斯主权财富基金负责人德米特里耶夫(Kiril Dmitriev)在接受路透采访时表示,如果OPEC+扩大,可以覆盖更多产油国,仍有机会重新平衡石油市场。
国际能源署署长法蒂赫?比罗尔(Fatih Birol)表示:“全球石油日需求量可能下降2000万桶。各国需要采取联合行动来恢复(全球)经济……联合行动也可能在OPEC+协议的框架下进行。我们正在与沙特阿拉伯和其他一些国家联系。接触后我们发现,如果欧佩克成员国增加,就有可能达成一项平衡石油市场的联合协议。”
此前,华盛顿宣布将向沙特派遣一名特别能源特使。以努力应对美国石油市场油价暴跌的影响。美国能源部长丹·布劳莱特(Dan Brouillette)对媒体表示,美国和沙特阿拉伯可能会结成石油联盟,旨在通过减产来提振油价。然而,布劳莱特指出,这只是应对迫在眉睫的危机的众多想法之一。
德克萨斯州石油和天然气能源监管机构德克萨斯铁路委员会(Texas Railroad Commission)的一名成员表示,德州的石油生产商有可能与OPEC达成减产协议,这进一步表明美国准备采取产量控制措施。
洪伟立 摘译自 今日油价
Is It Still Possible To Rebalance The Oil Market?
There is still a chance to rebalance oil markets if the OPEC+ group expands to include more producing countries, the head of the Russian sovereign wealth fund, Kiril Dmitriev, told Reuters in an interview.
The bold statement comes after several global demand revisions, the most recent from IEA's Director Fatih Birol, who yesterday said demand could fall by 20 million bpd.
"Joint actions by countries are needed to restore the (global) economy... They (joint actions) are also possible in OPEC+ deal's framework," Dmitriev said, adding that, "We are in contact with Saudi Arabia and a number of other countries. Based on these contacts we see that if the number of OPEC+ members will increase and other countries will join there is a possibility of a joint agreement to balance oil markets."
Earlier this month, Washington announced it would send a special energy envoy to Saudi Arabia as it grapples with the effect of the oil price collapse of the U.S. oil industry. Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette also told media there was talk about an oil alliance between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia aimed at cutting production to prop up prices. Brouillette noted, however, that it is just one of many ideas about how to respond to the looming crisis.
In a further sign that the U.S. is ready to take production-control steps, a member of the Texas Railroad Commission, the state's oil and gas energy regulator, said there was a possibility that producers in Texas could agree on production cuts in concert with OPEC.
Dmitriev did not mention any specific producing countries that could join the OPEC+ group. Still, as many observers see the oil price war that started earlier this month as an attack on U.S. shale, chances are there may be expectations of America's involvement in any future production control measures.