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作者: 2020年04月01日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据世界天然气网3月30日消息 液化天然气终端运营商新加坡液化天然气公司(Singapore LNG)和其他六家公司周一签署了一份谅解备忘录,旨在开发利用氢气作为新加坡低碳能源的方法。

据世界天然气网3月30日消息 液化天然气终端运营商新加坡液化天然气公司(Singapore LNG)和其他六家公司周一签署了一份谅解备忘录,旨在开发利用氢气作为新加坡低碳能源的方法。



新加坡液化天然气公司首席执行官Tan Soo Koong在声明中说:“这项谅解备忘录标志着朝着为新加坡提供另一种可持续能源选择(氢)迈出了重要的第一步。”


Soo Koong说:“我们正处于全球能源转型期,SLNG致力于尽我们所能促进和推动这一进程。”


NRF首席执行官Low Teck Seng说:“在我们向低碳和低排放经济转型的过程中,新加坡需要在替代能源的研发方面保持领先地位。”


吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


Singapore LNG joins initiative to study hydrogen as fuel

LNG terminal operator Singapore LNG and six other companies on Monday signed a memorandum of understanding to develop ways to use hydrogen as a low-carbon energy source in Singapore.

The four Singaporean and two Japanese companies are PSA Corporation, Jurong Port, City Gas, Sembcorp Industries, Chiyoda Corporation and its main shareholder, Mitsubishi Corporation.

The memorandum involves the research and development of technologies related to the importation, transportation and storage of hydrogen using Chiyoda’s SPERA Hydrogen technology, according to a joint statement.

“This MOU marks an important first step towards making another sustainable energy option, namely hydrogen, available for Singapore, ” Tan Soo Koong, CEO of Singapore LNG said in the statement.

He aded that the company was pleased to be a part of this “pioneering and very exciting collaboration, through seeking synergistic ways of using our terminal infrastructure”.

“We are in the midst of a global energy transition, and SLNG is committed to doing what we can to facilitate and catalyse this process,” Soo Koong said.

The National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore will also work alongside the companies to study how technologies such as catalysis can be further developed for the production and distribution of hydrogen.

“Singapore needs to stay ahead in the research and development of alternative energy sources in our transition towards a low-carbon and low-emission economy,” Low Teck Seng, CEO of NRF said.

“We are encouraged that companies are coming together, leveraging each other’s expertise, to study how hydrogen can be used as an emissions-free alternative to existing carbon sources.” he added.

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