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作者: 2020年04月02日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据3月31日Energy Live News报道,国际能源署(IEA)建议卢森堡采取能源投资和注重效率的措施,实现能源转型。

据3月31日Energy Live News报道,国际能源署(IEA)建议卢森堡采取能源投资和注重效率的措施,实现能源转型。

该机构在一份新的报告中指出,卢森堡可再生能源发电量自2008年以来增长了50%,温室气体显著减少。国际能源署执行主任费斯·比罗尔(Faith Birol)博士表示:“卢森堡致力于实现巴黎协议的目标,并制定了宏远的能源规划,旨在到2030年将温室气体排放量减少55%。”


王佳晶 摘译自 Energy Live News


IEA extends support to Luxembourg’s energy transition goals

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has recommended energy investment and efficiency-focused measures to support Luxembourg’s energy transition goals.

In a new report, the agency noted Luxembourg’s increase in renewable energy generation, up by 50% since 2008, has resulted in ‘significant’ reduction of green house gases.

IEA’s Executive Director Dr Faith Birol, said: “The Luxembourg Government is committed to the goals of the Paris Agreement and has adopted ambitious energy sector targets, including reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 55% by 2030.

Despite the reduced emissions, Luxembourg ‘could face challenges’ in achieving energy goals considering its continued dependency on fossil fuels – to encourage the transition to renewable modes of electricity, the government announced the Electric Vehicle Initiative to reduce fuel imports, which aims to deploy as many as 800 subsidised public charging stations by 2020, with an aim to make 49% of all registered vehicles and 100% of the national bus fleet fully electric by 2030.

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标签:卢森堡 能源投资 注重效率
