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作者: 2020年04月03日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据彭博社4月1日报道,据知情人士透露,随着油价暴跌,沙特经济受到了巨大的影响,沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼(Mohammed bin Salman)倡导的一项国家经济转型战略或将大幅削减预算。沙特“2030愿景”(Vision 2030)于

据彭博社4月1日报道,据知情人士透露,随着油价暴跌,沙特经济受到了巨大的影响,沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼(Mohammed bin Salman)倡导的一项国家经济转型战略或将大幅削减预算。沙特“2030愿景”(Vision 2030)于2016年推出,旨在摆脱对石油的依赖,实现经济多元化,吸引外国投资。



王佳晶 摘译自 彭博社


Saudi Arabia’s Post-Oil Plan Faces Cuts As Crude Plummets

Plans for a future after oil in Saudi Arabia are increasingly at the mercy of the present.

A strategy to transform the Saudi economy, championed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is likely to face deep budget cuts as the coronavirus pandemic and plummeting crude prices batter the economy, according to people familiar with the matter.

Dubbed Vision 2030, the wide-ranging initiative unveiled with fanfare in 2016 aims to diversify the oil-dependent economy and attract foreign investment.

Officials began a broad reassessment of the blueprint before the latest crises, but the Finance Ministry is now specifically looking to pare back its budgets, according to two people familiar with the matter. They said officials hadn’t yet decided how the added pressure of the oil price collapse would affect the review, but they’re expecting significant cuts.

Vision 2030 reductions would come on top of 20% in savings that the government had already asked ministries to find, one of the people said.

So far, Saudi Arabia’s announced a 5% budget cut for 2020, along with a 120 billion-riyal ($32 billion) package aimed at helping businesses survive a near-lockdown.

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标签:沙特 国家经济转型战略
