据4月7日The National报道,随着美国页岩油企业在本周晚些时候召开欧佩克及其它产油国会议之前承压,将考虑达成一项更广泛的协议,或将削减目前全球15%的产量,油价于周二上涨。
阿联酋国家统计局(Emirates NBD)中东和北非研究主管哈提亚·哈克(Khatija Haque)在一份报告中表示:"本周石油市场的开局较为疲软,因为市场关注的焦点仍然是定于周四举行的欧佩克+会议。尽管油价已从近期低点回升,但仍处于令人担忧的水平,对沙特阿拉伯或俄罗斯等产油国几乎没有什么经济效益,而且美国的页岩油气开采也面临困难。”
邹勤 摘译自 The National
Oil gains as producers look to historic production cut deal
Oil prices gained on Tuesday as US shale companies come under pressure ahead of a meeting of Opec+ and other producers later this week to consider a broader pact that may shave off 15 per cent of current global production.
The historic meeting on Thursday could include the US - the world's largest oil producer - for the first time in any kind of output restriction discussion, though its unclear how an agreement would comply with American antitrust laws.
Mr Trump has been pushing for a global deal that could see a reduction of between 10 million barrels per day to 15m bpd in order to stabilise prices that have fallen by 70 per cent of their value from their most recent peak in January.
Brent, the international crude benchmark was up 3.03 per cent trading at $34.05 per barrel at 9.47am UAE time, while West Texas Intermediate, which tracks North American crude grades was up 3.41 per cent at $26.97 per barrel.
"Oil markets started the week on a softer footing as the focus remains on an Opec+ meeting scheduled to take place on Thursday," Emirates NBD Mena research head Khatija Haque said in a note.
"While prices have rallied from recent lows they still remain at distressed levels, offering few economic benefits to producers like Saudi Arabia or Russia, and eviscerating the US shale patch," she added.