据4月7日Offshore Energy报道,为了实现在2019-2020年期间撤资50亿美元的目标,道达尔在考虑剥离勘探和生产(文莱)以及营销与服务领域的几项非核心资产。道达尔于周二表示,这些资产的交易价值超过4亿美元。
2019年10月,道达尔决定以3亿美元的价格将其在文莱近海CA1区块的权益出售给壳牌公司。经主管部门批准,道达尔已完成向壳牌出售其全资子公司Total E&P Deep Offshore Borneo BV的交易,该公司持有CA1区块86.95%的股权。
道达尔是该区块的运营商,合作伙伴包括墨菲石油公司(Murphy Oil)(8.05%)和马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas)(5%),该区块2019年的净产量为5000桶/天。
道达尔首席财务官斯布雷(Jean-Pierre Sbraire)评论道:“这些资产的出售将有助于道达尔正在进行的撤资计划,并证明公司有能力不断地提升我们的投资组合。”
邹勤 摘译自 Offshore Energy
Total sheds $400 million worth of assets
In line with its objective to divest $5 billion during 2019-2020, Total is pursuing the divestments of several non-core assets in both exploration and production (Brunei) and marketing & services (Sierra Leone and Liberia).
These divestments represent a global value of more than $400 million, Total said on Tuesday.
Following the approval of the competent authorities, Total has closed the sale to Shell of its wholly-owned subsidiary Total E&P Deep Offshore Borneo BV, which holds an 86.95% interest in Block CA1.
To remind, Total last October decided to sell its interest in the Block CA1 located offshore Brunei to Shell for $300 million.
Block CA1 covers 5,850 square kilometers in the deepwater areas of Brunei in water depths ranging from 1,000 to 2,750 meters. It is located about 100 kilometers northwest of the coast of Brunei Darussalam.
Total was the operator of the block, alongside partners Murphy Oil (8.05%) and Petronas (5%) and the production of this block was 5 kboe/d net to Total in 2019.
Total has signed an agreement to sell its marketing and services businesses in Liberia and Sierra Leone to Conex Oil & Gas Holdings Ltd., a regional player in petroleum products import, distribution and supply chain management in West Africa.
It consists of a network of 63 service stations, general trade fuel sales and petroleum products import and storage operations.
The sale of these two affiliates is expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2020.
“These sales will contribute to Total’s ongoing divestment program and demonstrate our ability to relentlessly high-grade our portfolio,” commented Jean-Pierre Sbraire, Chief Financial Officer of Total.