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作者: 2020年04月09日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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全球领先的油轮公司Frontline (FRO)首席执行官罗伯特?哈维德?麦克劳德把这种情况形容为“一代人只有一次”。他在一个数字资本链接论坛上表示:“这一切现在真的开始了——油轮储存原油即将改变这个市场,彻底改变2020年。”

希腊Tsakos能源航运公司 (TNP)首席执行官尼古拉?察科斯补充称,人们对规模较小的阿芙拉级油轮业务也越来越感兴趣。察科斯在论坛上表示,“我们是少数几个经历强劲周期的行业之一,我们看到人们对海上原油储存的兴趣很大。期货溢价是存在的。”


经纪商Fearnley Securities在一份报告中表示:“在极端浮式储存经济的支持下,船东们能够以极具吸引力的费率将船舶闲置6至12个月。”“我们不会否决在未来6-12个月内将100-200艘超大型油轮撤出市场的提议。”


李峻 编译自 世界能源新闻


Oil Storage at Sea Approaching Record Levels

Oil traders are storing as much as 80 million barrels of oil on tankers at sea, with further ships being sought as land storage sites fill up fast due to a global glut of stocks, shipping industry sources say.

Traders rushed for storage after global oil demand collapsed by a third due to the coronavirus outbreak, and as top producers Saudi Arabia and Russia have refused to curb output so far, creating what is believed to be the biggest oil glut in history.

The last time floating storage reached similar levels was in 2009, when traders stored over 100 million barrels at sea before offloading stocks.

There are over 770 supertankers in the world - each carrying a maximum of 2 million barrels - and shipping sources estimate that between 25 to 40 are currently being used for floating storage.

Locations typically include the U.S. Gulf and Singapore, where major oil hubs are situated.

This compares with fewer than 10 such vessels - known as very large crude carriers (VLCCs) - in February.

The crude market is currently trading in what is known as contango, where forward prices are higher than immediate prices. This market structure encourages traders to park barrels in storage in the hopes of selling them for a profit later.

Richard Matthews, head of research with ship broker E.A. Gibson, estimated that at least 31 VLCCs had been chartered in March for 12 months or less, with it likely that these included storage options.

This compared with 4 VLCCs booked in February for charters of 12 months or less with likely storage options, Matthews added.

Daily tanker rates have rocketed to record highs of over $230,000 a day this week, and reached the $200,000 a day level around March 12. Traders have to pay a premium for longer term charters.

Robert Hvide MacLeod, chief executive of leading tanker player Frontline (FRO), described the situation as "once in a generation".

"It’s now really kicking off - the storage on ships is about to change this market and change 2020 completely," he told a digital Capital Link forum on Tuesday.

Nikolas Tsakos, chief executive of Tsakos Energy Navigation (TNP) , added that there was also growing interest for the smaller aframax tanker segment.

"We are one of the few industries going through a very strong cycle, we are seeing a lot of interest for storage. The contango is there," he told the forum.

Trade sources said on Wednesday that storage tanks in the United Arab Emirates' Fujairah, a key bunkering and oil hub in the Middle East, had reached their full capacity for both crude and oil products.

"Owners have been able to put vessels away for 6-12 months at very attractive rates, supported by extreme floating storage economics," broker Fearnley Securities said in a note this week. "We wouldn’t overrule seeing 100-200 VLCCs taken off the market for the next 6-12 months."

Hugo De Stoop, chief executive of major tanker operator Euronav, said separately that the global VLCC fleet would be available for floating storage depending on the rates.

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标签:油轮 原油
