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作者: 2020年04月10日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据世界天然气网4月8日消息 卡塔尔石油公司将液化天然气出口项目的开工时间推迟至2025年,因为该公司面临招标过程的延误。

据世界天然气网4月8日消息 卡塔尔石油公司将液化天然气出口项目的开工时间推迟至2025年,因为该公司面临招标过程的延误。

卡塔尔石油公司总裁兼首席执行官、能源事务国务部长Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi在接受路透社采访时表示,该项目的规模保持不变。这意味着一旦扩建工程完成产能将达到1.1亿吨。





吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


Qatar delays LNG expansion project start-up to 2025

Qatar Petroleum has delayed the production start from its LNG export project to 2025 as it faces bidding process delays.

Speaking to Reuters, Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, the Minister of State for Energy Affairs, the president and CEO of Qatar Petroleum, said the size of the project remains the same. This means the production capacity, once the expansion project is complete will hit 110 million tons.

The production start has been pushed back from the initially planned 2024. However, the effects of Coronavirus are being felt by contractors expected to tackle the first phase of the North Field East project.

Qatar Petroleum expected to receive final bids from contractors for the first four liquefaction trains of the six-train expansion project during this month. Instead, it received requests from contractors seeking more time to submit bids.

As a result, final main contracts for onshore engineering, procurement and construction are expected to be awarded in the fourth quarter of this year. This will also push the expected production start by three to six months.

The additional two trains, which will be constructed in phase two of the expansion project will boost Qatar’s production capacity to 126 mtpa by 2027.

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标签:卡塔尔 LNG扩建项目
