马拉松石油公司(Marathon Oil)最新的2020年资本支出为13亿美元,比其今年最初的支出计划24亿美元少11亿美元。马拉松石油周三表示,如今预测今年的资本支出将比2019年的实际支出低50%,这是自3月初油价暴跌以来一个月内第二次资本支出削减。
如今,马拉松石油宣布第二次削减资本支出,马拉松石油董事长,总裁兼首席执行官李·蒂尔曼(Lee Tillman)表示:
鉴于商品价格极其疲软和预期的持续需求影响,我们大大减少了支出,俄克拉何马州和北特拉华州的活动。 我们将保持回报第一的心态,重点是在整个周期中保持价值。在高度动荡和不确定的环境下,这些决定性的行动首先是为了保护我们的资产负债表和我们来之不易的财政实力。在高度动荡和不确定的环境中,采取这些决定性措施的首要目的是保护我们的资产负债表和我们辛苦赚来的财务实力。 惠誉(Fitch)等近期均在进行评级,我们在所有主要评级机构中均保持投资级别,并保持稳健的流动性头寸,没有短期债务到期。 我们的财务实力,高质量的产品组合以及对降低成本结构的持续关注,使我们能够度过这个行业特别的时光。
郝芬 译自 今日油价
Marathon Oil Slashes Capex Again As Prices And Demand Collapse
Marathon Oil slashed on Wednesday its 2020 capital spending budget for a second time in one month amid extremely weak commodity prices and demand.
Marathon Oil’s latest updated 2020 capital expenditure (capex) is $1.3 billion, or $1.1 billion lower than its initial spending guidance for this year of $2.4 billion. This year’s capital spending is now expected to be 50 percent lower than the actual spend in 2019, Marathon Oil said on Wednesday, in its second capex cut in a month since the oil prices collapsed in early March.
Last month, after the OPEC+ deal collapse and the start of the Saudi-Russian oil price war, Marathon Oil announced an immediate capex reduction of at least $500 million, “in light of the dramatic fall in commodity prices.”
Today, Marathon Oil announced a second capex cut, with Marathon Oil Chairman, President, and CEO Lee Tillman saying:
“In light of extreme commodity price weakness and anticipated ongoing demand impacts, we have dramatically reduced activity in REx, Oklahoma and the Northern Delaware, . We're maintaining our returns-first mindset with a focus on preserving value through the cycle.”
“Against a highly volatile and uncertain environment, these decisive actions are designed first and foremost to protect our balance sheet and our hard earned financial strength. We remain investment grade at all primary rating agencies, with recent reviews by Fitch maintain a strong liquidity position with no near-term debt maturities. Our financial strength, high quality portfolio, and ongoing focus on reducing our cost structure position us well to navigate this extraordinary time for our industry,” Tillman said.