据道琼斯4月9日消息,美国乙醇产量因疫情暴发和乙醇生产商利润率下降而大幅下降,美国能源情报署(EIA)本周发布的乙醇产量和供应数据就证明了这一点。EIA称,截至4月3日当周美国乙醇产量仅为672,000桶/天,创下自2010年EIA开始跟踪乙醇产量数据以来的最低水平。与此同时,乙醇库存增加137万桶,至2710万桶,创历史新高。国际期货公司(Futures International)的特里.赖利表示:“乙醇产量降至70万桶以下,表明该行业的困境比想象的更严重。”
张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯
US Ethanol Production Hits Record Low
Production of ethanol in the US has been decimated by the coronavirus outbreak and the degradation of ethanol producer margins, as evidenced by this weeks' ethanol production and supply data from the EIA. The EIA says that ethanol production for the week ending April 3 totaled only 672,000 barrels per day, the lowest ever since the EIA started tracking production in 2010. Meanwhile, ethanol stockpiles rose 1.37 million barrels to 27.1 million barrels, a record high. "The decline in ethanol production below 700,000 barrels signals the distress in the industry is larger than thought," says Terry Reilly of Futures International.