据油气新闻网站4月9日报道 据领先的数据和分析公司GlobalData预计,美国将引领北美的炼油业,推动该地区的原油总炼油能力从2019年的2460万桶/日提高到2024年的约2580万桶/日。
GlobalData石油和天然气分析师Adithya Rekha评论道:“在北美,到2024年,美国的炼油厂产能增长处于领先地位,活跃的炼油厂项目和新建项目分别以37.65万桶和34.05万桶的速度扩张,其贡献几乎相似。博蒙特炼油厂扩建预计将占该国新增产能的大部分,产能为25万桶/日。”
GlobalData预计,墨西哥将成为北美第二大原油精炼产能增加国。两个新建炼油厂(Dos Bocas和Soto la Marina)预计将占全国新增产能的全部,产量分别为34万桶/日和6万桶/日。两家炼油厂都可能在2022年开始运营。
王磊 摘译自 油气新闻
US drives North America’s refining industry
The US is expected to lead the refining industry in North America, pushing the total crude oil refining capacity in the region from 24.6 million barrels per day (mbpd) in 2019 to approximately 25.8 mbpd by 2024, according to GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.
The company’s report,‘Global Refining Industry Outlook to 2024 – Capacity and Capital Expenditure Outlook with Details of All Operating and Planned Refineries’, reveals that the US’s refining capacity additions will come from active and upcoming projects between 2020 and 2024, accounting for 57 per cent of the total capacity growth in the region.
In North America, 416.5 thousand barrel per day (mbd) capacity additions are likely from expansions of active refinery projects, while the remaining 833 mbd is from new-build planned and announced projects.
Adithya Rekha, Oil and Gas Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “In North America, the US leads refinery capacity growth by 2024, with almost similar contributions from the expansions of active refinery projects and new-build projects with 376.5mbd and 340.5 mbd, respectively. The Beaumont refinery expansion is expected to account for majority of the capacity additions in the country with 250 mbd.”
GlobalData expects Mexico to be the second largest country in terms of crude oil refining capacity additions in North America. Two new-build refineries – Dos Bocas refinery and Soto la Marina – are expected to account for entire capacity additions in the country, with 340mbd and 60mbd respectively. Both the refineries are likely to start operations in 2022.
Rekha adds: “Canada accounts for the rest of the refinery capacity additions in North America with about 132.5 mbd by 2024. Most of the capacity additions are though new-build projects with 92.5 mbd, while expansions of the active refineries account for the rest with 40 mbd”.