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作者: 2020年04月17日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据能源世界网4月15日报道,阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)周三降低了5月份轻质原油的价格,并表示作为OPEC +协议的一部分,承诺减产。

据能源世界网4月15日报道,阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)周三降低了5月份轻质原油的价格,并表示作为OPEC +协议的一部分,承诺减产。



该公司表示,ADNOC将基准的Murban原油的5月官方售价( OSP )设定为较标准普尔全球普氏能源资讯发布的迪拜报价每桶低6.95美元, 这比四月份的负2.75美元有所下降。其补充道,UMM Lulu五月的OSP与Murban的OSP相当,而DAS原油的OSP 较Murban每桶低35美分。

Upper Zakum原油的官方售价比Murban的高10美分。这是ADNOC以期货价格定价其定期货物的第二个月。ADNOC称将继续每月提供期货价格。ADNOC表示,这将确保我们的客户对交付前支付的价格有清晰的了解,并可以做出相应的计划。

郝芬 译自 能源世界网


UAE's ADNOC lowers Murban official selling price for May cargoes

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) on Wednesday lowered its prices for light crude grades in May and said it was committed to reducing output as part of the OPEC+ deal.

The OPEC+ group, consisting of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its allies including Russia, on Sunday agreed to cut output by a record 9.7 million barrels per day (bpd) in May and June to ease a supply glut exacerbated by a slump in global fuel demand because of the coronavirus outbreak.

ADNOC said it was committed to lowering production from its current levels of 4.1 million bpd of crude, but added that its contractual terms with customers remain unaffected by the announcement. ADNOC said it will follow up with customers regarding any required changes and confirmations for cargoes loading in May and June.

ADNOC set its official selling price (OSP) for May for its benchmark Murban crude at minus $6.95 per barrel to Dubai quotes published by S&P Global Platts, the company said. That is down from minus $2.75 for April. Umm Lulu's OSP for May was set at parity to Murban's OSP while the OSP for Das crude was at 35 cents a barrel below Murban's OSP, it added.

The OSP for Upper Zakum was 10 cents above Murban's OSP. This is the second month that ADNOC is pricing its term cargoes on forward prices. ADNOC said it will continue to provide forward pricing on a monthly basis. "This will ensure that our customers have visibility of the prices that they will pay ahead of delivery and can plan accordingly," ADNOC said.

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标签:ADNOC Murban原油
