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作者: 2020年04月17日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据油气新闻网站4月15日消息 据三家银行业消息人士透露,全球最大石油生产商沙特阿美正与银行就一笔约100亿美元的贷款进行初步谈判,以帮助其收购沙特基础工业公司70%的股权。

据油气新闻网站4月15日消息 据三家银行业消息人士透露,全球最大石油生产商沙特阿美正与银行就一笔约100亿美元的贷款进行初步谈判,以帮助其收购沙特基础工业公司70%的股权。








王磊 摘译自 油气新闻


Aramco seeks $10 bn to finance Sabic acquisition

Saudi Aramco, the world's largest oil producer, is in early talks with banks for a loan of about $10 billion to help finance its acquisition of a 70 per cent stake in Saudi Basic Industries Corp (Sabic), according to three banking sources, said a Reuters report.

Aramco agreed last year to buy the controlling stake in Sabic from the kingdom's wealth fund for $69.1 billion, sealing one of the biggest-ever deals in the global chemical industry.

"The financing would be for the Sabic deal, but the borrower is Aramco," said one of the sources, adding that the discussions were at an initial stage, with the company sounding out banks.

"Ten billion dollars is where they want to get to, (it's) not clear if, in this market, they'll manage to reach that."

A second source said banks involved in the talks included HSBC and JPMorgan, as well as lenders in the Gulf.

In response to a Reuters request for comment about whether it was seeking such a loan, Saudi Aramco said: "The company continues to review its financial options as part of its normal course of business, while prudently preserving its pristine balance sheet and its resilience."

JPMorgan declined to comment, while HSBC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

A third banker said Aramco was looking to borrow in US dollars because it was cheaper than in Saudi riyals, in terms of interest, and to avoid pressuring Saudi banks' liquidity.

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