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作者: 2020年04月20日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据天然气工业4月16日消息,卡塔尔石油公司(Qatar Petroleum)宣布将开始进行北田-东 (NFE)项目(前称北田扩展项目)的开发钻探活动。

据天然气工业4月16日消息,卡塔尔石油公司(Qatar Petroleum)宣布将开始进行北田-东 (NFE)项目(前称北田扩展项目)的开发钻探活动。

在80口NFE开发井中,第一口井于3月29日由自升式钻井平台GulfDrill Lovanda开钻。该钻井平台由GulfDrill管理和运营,GulfDril是Gulf Drilling International与Seadrill Ltd的合资企业。


卡塔尔国家能源事务部长、卡塔尔石油公司总裁兼首席执行官Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi称:“NFE开发钻探活动的开始是实现我们提高液化天然气产能战略的一个重要里程碑。里程碑的持续达成、大量资源的投入和大量的投资证明了NFE仍然是我们的优先事项,并表明了我们对执行这个大项目的承诺。”

裘寅 编译自 天然气工业


QP commences drilling for North Field LNG expansion

Qatar Petroleum has announced the start of the development drilling campaign for the North Field East (NFE) project (previously known as the North Field expansion project).

The first of 80 NFE development wells was spudded on 29 March by the jack-up rig GulfDrill Lovanda, which is managed and operated by GulfDrill, a joint venture between Gulf Drilling International and Seadrill Ltd.

This phase of the North Field expansion project will increase Qatar’s LNG production capacity from 77 million tpy to 110 million tpy. The second phase of the North Field LNG expansion project, known as the North Field South (NFS) project, will further increase Qatar’s LNG production capacity from 110 million tpy to 126 million tpy.

Commenting on this occasion, Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, the Minister of State for Energy Affairs, the President and CEO of Qatar Petroleum, said, “The start of the development drilling campaign for NFE represents an important milestone to deliver on our strategy to grow our LNG production capacity. The continued achievement of milestones, dedication of significant resources and making of substantial investments is proof that the NFE remains on top of our priorities and demonstrates our commitment to executing this mega-project.”

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标签:卡塔尔石油 北田扩展项目
