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作者: 2020年04月22日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据4月17日Offshore Energy消息:挪威石油管理局(NPD)周五的报告显示,挪威2020年3月的石油产量低于该局的预测。

据4月17日Offshore Energy消息:挪威石油管理局(NPD)周五的报告显示,挪威2020年3月的石油产量低于该局的预测。





2020年前三个月的石油总产量约为6050万立方米石油当量(MSm3 o.e.),细分如下:石油约24.6 MSm3 o.e.,天然气凝析液和凝析油约4.9 MSm3 o.e.,待售天然气约31.0 MSm3 o.e.。

总销量比2019年增加了2.9MSm3 o.e.。

冯娟 摘译自 Offshore Energy


Norway: Oil output falls short of expectations for third month straight

Norwegian oil production during March 2020 fell below predictions made by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD), according to the directorate’s report on Friday.

Preliminary production figures for March 2020 show an average daily production of 2,038,000 barrels of oil, NGL and condensate, which is a decrease of 64,000 barrels per day compared to February.

Total gas sales were 10.7 billion Sm3 (GSm3), which is an increase of 0.7 GSm3 from the previous month.

Average daily liquids production in March was: 1,682,000 barrels of oil, 328,000 barrels of NGL, and 27,000 barrels of condensate.

According to the NPD, the oil production in March is 4.4 percent lower than the NPD’s forecast, and 3.4 percent below the forecast so far this year. The Directorate stated that the main reasons that production in March was below forecast were technical problems on some fields.

The total petroleum production for the first three months in 2020 is about 60.5 million Sm3 oil equivalents (MSm3 o.e.), broken down as follows: about 24.6 MSm3 o.e. of oil, about 4.9 MSm3 o.e. of NGL and condensate and about 31.0 MSm3 o.e. of gas for sale.

The total volume is 2.9 MSm3 o.e. higher than in 2019.

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标签:挪威石油 液体燃料
