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作者: 2020年04月23日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据4月20日今日油价报道,IHS Markit周一在其最新的《海上海事月刊》分析报告中称,随着各公司重新评估钻井计划,取消或终止海上合同,海上钻井市场将成为受油价暴跌和需求崩打击最严重的市场之一。

据4月20日今日油价报道,IHS Markit周一在其最新的《海上海事月刊》分析报告中称,随着各公司重新评估钻井计划,取消或终止海上合同,海上钻井市场将成为受油价暴跌和需求崩打击最严重的市场之一。

IHS Markit高级海事分析师Richard Sanchez周一表示,大大小小的勘探和生产(E&P)公司纷纷削减资本支出,近海供应船(OSV)市场过剩产能将会增加,对日费用率构成下行压力,预计未来几个月对近海供应船(OSV)的需求将产生巨大影响。

据IHS Markit称,由于全球石油供应过剩,未来几个月将有更多的海上钻探项目被推迟、停止,甚至取消。

韦斯特伍德全球能源集团(Westwood Global Energy Group)表示,未来海上钻井市场将面临艰难时期。一个月前,韦斯特伍德RigLogix海上钻井平台信息服务负责人Terry Childs表示:“假设油价和需求在未来几个月持续走低,闲置钻机的数量将是一个关键指标。未行使期权的合同、当前计划项目的延迟、不可抗力声明和其他合同终止都将导致钻机闲置,未来闲置钻井平台的数量将在短期内大幅增加。。”

Rystad Energy此前表示,油价暴跌可能导致企业推迟价值高达1310亿美元的石油和天然气项目,这些项目计划在2020年获得批准。本月早些时候,Rystad Energy在一份影响分析报告中表示,今明两年,海上钻探商最多将有10%的合同被取消,这意味着他们的总收入将减少约30亿美元。因此,即使是大型海上钻探公司也可能面临财务挑战,可能需要重组。

洪伟立 摘译自 今日油价


Offshore Sector Reeling After Historic 300% Oil Price Crash

The offshore drilling market is set to be one of the worst-hit in the oil price crash and demand collapse, as companies are reassessing drilling programs and canceling or halting offshore contracts, IHS Markit said in its latest Offshore Marine Monthly analysis on Monday.

Demand for offshore supply vessels (OSV) is expected to take a hit in the coming months, as exploration and production (E&P) companies, big and small, rushed to cut capital expenditures (capex) following the double whammy of the oil price crash and the coronavirus pandemic, Richard Sanchez, Senior Marine Analyst at IHS Markit, said on Monday.

“E&P companies operating in the US Gulf have been historically quick to respond to falling oil prices. As offshore drilling rigs are idled and contracts are terminated early, excess capacity in the OSV spot market will grow, which puts downward pressure on day rates,” Sanchez added.

According to IHS Markit, more offshore drilling programs will be deferred, halted, or even outright canceled in the coming months amid the unprecedented global oil glut.

Westwood Global Energy Group also believes that the offshore drilling market faces tough times ahead. A month ago, Terry Childs, Head of Westwood’s RigLogix offshore rig intelligence service, said that “the number of idle rigs will increase substantially in short order.”

“Assuming low oil prices and COVID-19 continue in the coming months, the number of rigs going idle will be a key metric. Contracts where options are not exercised, delays to currently planned programs, and Force Majeure declarations and other contract termination options will all result in idle rigs.”

The price crash could lead to companies deferring as much as $131 billion worth of oil and gas projects slated for approval in 2020, Rystad Energy said in March.

Earlier this month, Rystad Energy said in an impact analysis that offshore drillers would see up to 10 percent of their contract volumes canceled this year and next, representing a combined loss of revenue of about $3 billion. According to the independent energy research firm, even the big offshore drillers could face financial challenges and may need restructuring.

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