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作者: 2020年04月26日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据4月23日The News伦敦报道,周三布伦特原油价格创20年来新低,随后大幅反弹。欧洲基准布伦特北海原油6月份交货价跌至每桶15.98美元,为1999年6月以来的最低水平,随后反弹至每桶20美元以上。

据4月23日The News伦敦报道,周三布伦特原油价格创20年来新低,随后大幅反弹。欧洲基准布伦特北海原油6月份交货价跌至每桶15.98美元,为1999年6月以来的最低水平,随后反弹至每桶20美元以上。


IG贸易集团高级市场分析师Joshua Mahony表示:“油价波动仍然是交易界关注的焦点。”




AxiCorp公司的Stephen Innes总结道,原油价格暴跌使生产者向客户付款。这反映了一个现象,即“对石油没有实际需求,也没有地方储存石油”。


Briefing.com分析师帕特里克?奥黑尔(Patrick J.O'Hare)指出,7月份WTI原油期货价格超过20美元这一事实也让许多投资者安心。


舒晓玲 摘译自 The News


Brent rebounds sharply from two-decade low

Brent oil struck a two-decade low Wednesday before rebounding sharply. The European benchmark, Brent North Sea crude for delivery in June, fell to $15.98 per barrel -- the lowest level since June 1999, before bouncing higher to burst back above $20.

West Texas Intermediate′s new June contract, after having dropped more than 10 percent to as low as $10.26, shot up by over a third to $15.74 at 1350 GMT.

"Oil volatility is still front and centre for the trading community," said Joshua Mahony, senior market analyst at IG trading group,

With crude demand virtually non-existent owing to virus lockdowns, and production still high despite storage at the bursting point, crude markets had been sent into freefall with the May contract of US benchmark WTI diving to minus $40 on Monday.

The crisis in the oil market caused by the coronavirus was compounded by a price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia.

While the pair drew a line under the row and led producers into slashing output by 10 million barrels a day, that has not been enough to prevent historic price falls.

Crude′s rout which saw producers pay clients to take it off their hands "merely reflects the underlying theme that there is no demand for physical oil, and there is nowhere to store it", concluded AxiCorp′s Stephen Innes.

Analysts said Wednesday′s better performance was driven by news that members of OPEC, as well as some allies in the OPEC+ grouping, held a teleconference Tuesday.

Briefing.com analyst Patrick J. O′Hare noted the fact that futures contracts for July WTI oil are above $20 has also reassured many investors.

"The positive price bias along the oil futures curve implies that there is some renewed hope this morning that a reopening of the economy in coming months will mitigate the pressing storage issue today as demand picks up at a time when supply is going to be reduced," he said in a note to clients.

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