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作者: 2020年05月07日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据油气新闻4月29日消息称,根据美国能源情报署(EIA)月度能源审查报告,自1957年以来,2019年能源生产首次超过美国的能源消耗量。去年,美国生产了101.0万亿英热(quads)的能量,并消耗了100.2 quads。在2018年能源生

据油气新闻4月29日消息称,根据美国能源情报署(EIA)月度能源审查报告,自1957年以来,2019年能源生产首次超过美国的能源消耗量。去年,美国生产了101.0万亿英热(quads)的能量,并消耗了100.2 quads。在2018年能源生产和消费均创历史新高之后,美国2019年的能源生产增长了5.7%,能源消费下降了0.9%。

过去十年来,美国国内能源产量大幅增长。这一增长主要是由于水力压裂和水平钻井增加了原油和天然气产量。2019年,美国原油和天然气液体 (NGPL)产量总计31.8 quads,天然气产量为34.9 quads。这两个数值都创下了美国的历史新高,超过了2018年创下的历史新高。

在2018年至2019年期间,美国可再生能源产量保持相当稳定,增长约0.1quad。相比之下,美国煤炭产量连续第三年下降,下降1.1quad,至14.3quads,为1974年以来的最低点。在过去20年里,美国的核电产量一直稳定在近8 quads。

在过去20年里,美国的能源消耗一直保持在一个相对狭窄的范围内,介于96 quads和102 quads之间。自1950年以来,石油在美国能源消耗中所占的比例最大,尽管与2005年的峰值相比下降了近9%。自2008年以来,美国的煤炭消耗量下降了近50%,这主要是因为煤炭已经被天然气和电力行业的可再生能源所取代。


曹海斌 摘译自 油气新闻


In 2019, U.S energy production exceeded consumption for the first time in 62 years

In 2019, for the first time since 1957, energy production exceeded energy consumption in the United States on an annual basis, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration's (EIA) Monthly Energy Review. The United States produced 101.0 quadrillion British thermal units (quads) of energy and consumed 100.2 quads last year. After both energy production and consumption hit record highs in 2018, U.S. energy production in 2019 grew 5.7%, and energy consumption decreased by 0.9%.

U.S. domestic energy production has grown substantially during the past decade. The growth is largely a result of increases in crude oil and natural gas production from hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. In 2019, U.S. crude oil and natural gas plant liquids (NGPL) production totaled 31.8 quads, and natural gas production equaled 34.9 quads. Both values are record highs in the United States, surpassing their previous highs set in 2018.

U.S. renewable energy production remained fairly constant between 2018 and 2019, growing by about 0.1 quad. In contrast, U.S. coal production declined for the third year in a row, falling by 1.1 quads to 14.3 quads, its lowest point since 1974. U.S. nuclear electric power production has remained steady at nearly 8 quads for the past two decades.

U.S. energy consumption has remained in a relatively narrow range in the past two decades, ranging between 96 quads and 102 quads. Petroleum has accounted for the largest share of U.S. energy consumption since 1950, even though it has fallen nearly 9% from its peak in 2005. Since 2008, U.S. coal consumption has decreased nearly 50%, primarily because coal has been displaced by natural gas and renewables in the electricity sector.

U.S. natural gas consumption has increased by about 35% since 2000 and reached an all-time high in 2019. Renewable energy consumption in the United States—which includes renewable-powered electricity generation, biofuels, and biomass—has grown by 88% during the same period, and its share of consumption was nearly the same as coal in 2019.

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标签:能源生产 美国 能源消耗
