据TABNI网站 2020 年5月6日富查伊拉报道,本周早些时候,由于疫情造成的地区需求下降,导致更多的石油供应进入阿联酋东部港口,富查伊拉储存的石油产品数量跃升至有记录以来的最高水平。
富查伊拉石油工业区 (FOIZ)周三公布的统计数据显示,截至5月4日,富查伊拉石油产品库存量上周增加了6.3%,至2619.2万桶,其中包括航空燃油在内的中质馏分油库存量增幅最大。
统计数据显示,富查伊拉本周重质馏分油和残渣油库存量攀升了12%,至1462.1万桶,为三周高位。消息人士表示,在迪拜放宽限制后,船用燃料买家一直在寻求囤积。一些燃料油交易商表示,他们仍在收到5月底交货的询价。截至周二,富查伊拉交付的380 CST船用燃料的评估价格为每吨143美元,低于新加坡的每吨145.75美元。
Fujairah oil product stockpiles climb to record level
The volume of oil products held in storage at Fujairah jumped to the highest level on record earlier this week as tumbling regional demand from the coronavirus pandemic drives more supplies into the eastern UAE port.
Stocks rose 6.3 per cent last week to 26.192 million barrels as of Monday, with the greatest build seen in middle distillates, including jet fuel, according to data released Wednesday by the Fujairah Oil Industry Zone (FOIZ).
The previous all-time high was on 24th February, 2020 at 25.98 million barrels, it stated.
Middle distillate inventories rose 18 percent in the week to 4.855 million barrels, the highest since 23rd December, 2019, the data showed.
The aviation sector has been severely hurt by the coronavirus pandemic due to air travel restrictions, impacting both domestic and export demand for jet fuel. In India, the lockdown has been extended again until 17th May since it began 25th March.
In heavy distillates and residues, stocks climbed 12 percent to 14.621 million barrels, a three-week high, the data showed. Buyers of shipping fuel have been looking to stock up following the easing of movement restrictions in Dubai. Some traders of bunker fuel said they were receiving inquiries for end-May deliveries. As of Tuesday, Fujairah-delivered 380 CST bunker fuel was assessed at $143/mt, cheaper than Singapore at $145.75/mt.