咨询公司伍德曼肯兹分析师格雷厄姆·弗里德曼(Graham Freedman)表示:“需求低迷,今年这个时候的库存量太高。未来12到18个月,这种情况似乎还会持续下去。”
一旦亚洲天然气需求恢复,该公司无需将货物转往欧洲,但这可能需要好几个月的时间。与此同时,国际天然气联盟(International Gas Union)今年4月表示,全球液化天然气过剩可能会持续到本世纪中叶。
在争夺市场份额的战斗中,卡塔尔将在竞争对手面前占据优势。根据咨询公司Rystad Energy的数据,该公司在拉斯拉凡(Ras Laffan)的工厂生产的液化天然气,是全球第三便宜的天然气。即便如此,不断下跌的价格正将卡塔尔的液化天然气推向盈亏平衡点。
洪伟立 摘译自 彭博社
Qatar and Its Lose-Lose Problem in Global Gas Fight
Hemmed in by weak demand and scarce storage, the world’s biggest exporter of liquefied natural gas may soon face a stark choice: curb output or ignite a battle for market share that has the potential -- just as in the oil market -- to turn gas prices negative.
Qatar began in February redirecting LNG cargoes away from Asia, where the coronavirus was hobbling sales, and sending them instead to northwestern Europe. That quick fix didn’t last, as the pandemic soon engulfed Europe’s biggest economies and left Qatar struggling for places to park unsold cargoes.
The small Persian Gulf state’s decision about what to do next could have far-reaching consequences. Cutting production of its main export would squeeze government revenue at a time when crude’s collapse is adding to pressure on LNG prices, some of which are linked to oil. An output cut might also enable Australia to strike a blow to Qatar’s national pride by snatching its crown as the world’s top exporter.
Europe’s comparatively transparent pricing has long made it a favored destination for cargoes. Now, with demand there slumping, more gas is going into storage facilities, and those are filling up fast.
Deliveries of Qatari LNG to northwestern Europe peaked in April. A convoy of four tankers arrived over the last three weeks at Belgium’s Zeebrugge import terminal, where state-owned Qatar Petroleum has booked all the import capacity until 2044.
“Demand is depressed, and storage is too high for this time of year,” said Graham Freedman, an analyst at consultant Wood Mackenzie Ltd. “It looks like it’s going to continue for the next 12 to 18 months.”
Qatar appears to be slowing shipments to Europe. Import schedules suggest deliveries into northwestern Europe won’t climb in May as they did in April, and 17 LNG tankers -- several more than usual for this time of year -- are currently idling off the emirate’s coast. Qatar Petroleum, which manages the country’s exports, didn’t respond when asked to comment.
QP won’t need to divert cargoes to Europe once demand for gas in Asia recovers, but that could take many months. Meanwhile, the global LNG surplus could persist into the middle of the decade, the International Gas Union said in April.
Gas producers have yet to form a cartel like the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, which currently leads global efforts to slash oil production and prop up crude. LNG suppliers can hope for no such coordinated support for gas prices, which have plunged by more than half this year to about $2 per million British thermal units.
In a battle for market share, Qatar would have an edge on its rivals; its plant at Ras Laffan produces the world’s third-cheapest LNG, according to consultant Rystad Energy. Even so, tumbling prices are pushing Qatar’s LNG toward break-even levels.
Negative gas prices would be especially damaging for U.S. operators that only recently started production and are still burdened with heavy expenditures. Sub-zero prices could also cause delays for any liquefaction projects yet to secure financing. LNG is gas that has been chilled into a liquid, which producers can then export to far-flung destinations without the need for pipelines.
Producers in the U.S. have higher costs than Qatar and will probably cut output after customers canceled several shipments for June. Norway and Russia have already trimmed gas exports to Europe.?