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EIA: 2020年美国石油日需求将减少220万桶

作者: 2020年05月14日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据哈特能源5月12日消息,美国能源情报署(EIA) 5月12日表示,由于冠状病毒大流行限制了全球范围内的石油流动并侵蚀了燃料需求,2020年美国石油需求将每天将减少220万桶,至1830万桶/天。

据哈特能源5月12日消息,美国能源情报署(EIA) 5月12日表示,由于冠状病毒大流行限制了全球范围内的石油流动并侵蚀了燃料需求,2020年美国石油需求将每天将减少220万桶,至1830万桶/天。




程张翔 编译自 哈特能源


EIA: US Oil Demand Set to Crash by 2.2 Million bbl/d in 2020

U.S. oil demand is set to crash by 2.2 million bbl/d in 2020 to 18.3 million bbl/d, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said May 12, as the coronavirus pandemic restricts movement across the world and erodes fuel demand.

Meanwhile, U.S. crude production is expected to fall 540,000 bbl/d from last year's record high to 11.7 million bbl/d in 2020, the agency said, compared with its previous forecast for a decline of 470,000 bbl/d.

The EIA said it expects U.S. motor gasoline consumption to fall to an average of 7 million bbl/d in the second quarter from 8.6 million bbl/d in the first quarter, and gradually increase to 8.7 million bbl/d in the second half of the year.

The statistical arm of the U.S. Department of Energy now expects 2020 world oil demand to drop 8.1 million bbl/d to 92.6 million bbl/d, compared with a previous forecast for a drop of 5.2 million bbl/d.

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标签:燃料 石油 原油
