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作者: 2020年05月21日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据5月20日Trend报道,埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)周二表示,该公司已重启出售其在阿塞拜疆最大油田的股权。据路透社报道,银行业和业内消息人士表示,此举吸引了亚洲大型油气公司的兴趣,这些公司正寻求从近期油价暴跌

据5月20日Trend报道,埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)周二表示,该公司已重启出售其在阿塞拜疆最大油田的股权。据路透社报道,银行业和业内消息人士表示,此举吸引了亚洲大型油气公司的兴趣,这些公司正寻求从近期油价暴跌中获利。

这家美国最大的石油和天然气公司于2018年首次试图出售其在里海Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli (ACG)油田的6.8%股权,而竞争对手雪佛龙(Chevron)则开始出售其在该油田的9.57%股权。


由美国美林银行 (Bank of America Merrill Lynch)负责的埃克森美孚项目,最近重新启动,石油消费出现历史性暴跌,油价已跌至每桶30美元左右。该公司发言人Julie King对路透社表示:"埃克森美孚正在测试市场对其在阿塞拜疆的非生产资产的兴趣。该公司定期评估其生产组合,如果其他公司发现某项资产价值更高,就将出售。"










王佳晶 摘译自 Trend


Exxon revives sale of stake in giant Azeri oilfield

Exxon Mobil has relaunched the sale of its stake in Azerbaijan’s largest oilfield, the company said on Tuesday, as banking and industry sources said the move was drawing interest from large Asian oil and gas companies seeking to capitalize on the recent collapse in oil prices, Trend reports citing Reuters.

The top U.S. oil and gas company first tried to sell its 6.8% stake in the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli (ACG) field in the Caspian Sea in 2018, as rival Chevron launched the sale of its own 9.57% stake in the field.

While Exxon’s sale process was never officially suspended, it was put on the backburner when Chevron started negotiations with Hungarian energy firm MOL for the sale of its assets last year, which led to a $1.57 billion deal in November.

Exxon’s process, run by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, was recently relaunched despite oil prices halving to around $30 a barrel after a historic collapse in oil consumption due to coronavirus-linked lockdowns that restricted people’s movement.

“Exxon Mobil is testing market interest for its non-operated producing assets in Azerbaijan,” Exxon spokeswoman Julie King told Reuters.

Exxon routinely evaluates its producing portfolio and “if other companies find more value in an asset, we will sell,” she added.

A number of Asian national oil companies, including India’s ONGC and Indonesia’s Pertamina, have shown interest in the stake recently, hoping to clinch a deal at a lower price than before, according to four industry and banking sources.

It was unclear how much Exxon was seeking to raise from the sale, but it is likely to be valued significantly lower than Chevron’s stake, the sources said.

A spokesman for SOCAR, Azerbaijan’s national oil company declined to comment. BAML declined to comment, and Pertamina did not respond to requests for comment.

ONGC did not respond to a request for comment. An Indian industry source said, however, that ONGC, which holds a stake in ACG, had yet to decide whether to bid for Exxon’s stake and was in talks with other partners in the field.

The sharp drop in oil prices pushed Exxon into its first quarterly loss in decades in the first three months of the year and the Irving, Texas-based company cut its spending by 30%.

Exxon last year launched a plan to divest up to $25 billion of oil and gas fields in Europe, Asia and Africa as it sharpened its focus on a handful of mega projects at home and abroad.

The effort so far has fallen short of returning asset sale proceeds to a prior average of $5 billion a year. Exxon has sold assets in Norway for $4.5 billion and has launched processes in Australia, Malaysia and Nigeria.

The launch of a number of processes, including the sale of its British North Sea oil and gas portfolio have been put on hold following the collapse in oil prices, according to sources.

For Exxon, the sale of its operations in Azerbaijan would mark the end of a 25-year involvement.

Exxon and Chevron were among five U.S. oil companies that helped create Azerbaijan’s current oil industry soon after the collapse of the Soviet Union and acquiring a stake in ACG in 1994.

The deal was dubbed by Azerbaijan and partners as the “the contract of the century” thanks to the field’s large reserves and hopes for future major discoveries that would help Europe diversify away from Russian oil and gas.

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标签:埃克森美孚 阿塞拜疆 油价
