据5月20日Offshore Energy消息:西班牙天然气运营商Enagás在一份月度报告中称,4月西班牙液化天然气进口下滑。
冯娟 摘译自 Offshore Energy
Spain’s LNG imports slide in April
Spain’s imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) slipped during the month of April, Enagás said in a monthly report.
The country’s LNG terminal operator noted in its monthly report that LNG imports stood at 15.6 terawatt-hours (TWh) in April 2020. This compares to 16.4 TWh in April 2019.
For the year so far, LNG imports have hit 79.34 TWh, Enagás said.
Total natural gas imports, including piped supplies, slipped to 23.2 TWh. This compares to 29.9 TWh reported in April 2019.
The United States remain the top supplier of the chilled fuel to Spain. A total of 4.76 TWh of U.S.-produced LNG landed at Spain’s terminals during the month of April.
Nigeria followed closely delivering a total of 4.54 TWh of LNG. Russia supplied 2.19 TWh of the chilled fuel during the month under review.
Spain imported 1.7 TWh from Trinidad & Tobago and 1 TWh of LNG from Angola. Imports of LNG from Qatar slipped to 0.88 TWh in April. Additionally, Enagás reported that Algeria delivered 0.49 TWh of LNG to Spain.
Spain’s LNG facilities received a total of 17 LNG cargoes with the Bilbao facility unloading five cargoes.
Barcelona and Sagunto LNG plants unloaded three cargoes each in April. Additionally, Cartagena and Mugardos plants imported two cargoes each.
During April 2020, two reload operations have been completed, one each at the Huelva and Mugardos facilities Enagás said.
The operator also reported that a total of 910 LNG truck loadings were completed at Spanish LNG facilities. This compares to 1030 truck loading operations completed in April 2019.