据道琼斯5月21日消息,野村证券表示,疫情可能给印度石油公司的盈利带来沉重打击,因为2021财年印度石油需求可能下降15%-16%。野村证券表示,2020财年印度的石油产量下降了6%,降至18年来的最低水平,随着疫情导致的石油生产设施的关闭,印度石油产量的下降幅度可能会在2021财年进一步加大。印度国内天然气价格正处于2010年6月以来的最低水平,并可能在2021财年下半年进一步下跌。野村证券将印度油气公司(ONGC)和石油印度公司(Oil India)的股票评级从买入下调至减持,将ONGC的目标价从175印度卢比下调至65卢比,将石油印度公司的目标价从205卢比下调至70卢比。
张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯
Indian Oil Companies Likely to Be Hit Hard by Covid-19
Indian oil companies' earnings could be hit hard by Covid-19, with FY 2021 oil demand likely to be reduced by 15%-16%, Nomura says. India's oil production fell 6% to an 18-year low in FY 2020, and with coronavirus-related shutdowns, the decline could be steeper in FY 2021, the brokerage says. Domestic gas prices are at their lowest since June 2010 and may fall further in 2H FY 2021. Nomura cuts the stock ratings of Oil & Natural Gas Corp. and Oil India to reduce from buy, and lowers ONGC's target price to INR65 from INR175 and Oil India's target price to INR70 from INR205.