AHEAD表示,已经实现了一个重要的里程碑,通过在川崎市沿海地区Toa石油有限公司Keihin Refinery开始供应甲基环己烷(MCH)分离出来的氢气, 为Mizue电站的燃气轮机提供燃料。
邹勤 摘译自 石油和天然气管道新闻
Japanese consortium ships hydrogen from Brunei to fuel power generation
A consortium of Japanese companies, part of Advanced Hydrogen Energy Chain Association for Technology Development (AHEAD), have announced the world’s first transocean shipment of hydrogen from Brunei to fuel gas turbines for power generation in Japan.
AHEAD said it had reached an important milestone towards realising a hydrogenfueled society by commencing the supply of hydrogen separated from methylcyclohexane (MCH) at the dehydrogenation plant in the Keihin Refinery of Toa Oil Co., Ltd. in the coastal area of Kawasaki City to fuel gas turbines of Mizue Power Station.
The supply of hydrogen to gas turbines marks the first consumption of foreign-produced hydrogen for power generation in Japan, leaving a significant footprint towards mass consumption of hydrogen in the electricity sector, AHEAD said in a press statement.
The plan is to commercialise the international hydrogen supply chain that consists of a series of processes from the production of MCH in Brunei to ocean transport to the separation of hydrogen from MCH in Japan, as the use of hydrogen shipped from abroad as fuel for power generation.
AHEAD member companies, include Chiyoda Corporation, Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsui & Co., Ltd., and Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha, as well as a growing circle of stakeholders.