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作者: 2020年06月04日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据烃加工网站6月2日消息 柴油和其他中间蒸馏燃料的消费可能会在数月内受到抑制,因为家庭订单被取消,流行病和封锁的持续影响减少了商业活动。

据烃加工网站6月2日消息 柴油和其他中间蒸馏燃料的消费可能会在数月内受到抑制,因为家庭订单被取消,流行病和封锁的持续影响减少了商业活动。









吴恒磊 编译自 烃加工


Global diesel use likely to be depressed all year

Consumption of diesel and other middle distillate fuels is likely to be depressed for many months, as stay-at-home orders are lifted but the lingering effects of the epidemic and lockdowns reduce business activity.

Lockdowns are easing in most of the major economies, permitting factories to resume operations; now the problem is the lack of household and business demand, which will weigh on diesel use through the rest of 2020.

In the United States, the volume of distillate supplied to the domestic market is still almost 14% below the same point a year ago.

In contrast to gasoline, most of which is purchased by private motorists, diesel is mostly used in manufacturing, freight transportation, farming, mining and oil and gas drilling.

Gasoline consumption is picking up as travel to work and for leisure starts to resume, but distillate is more closely tied to the business cycle, and will be hit by an enduring downturn in industrial activity.

A full recovery in manufacturing is likely to prove more protracted than many policymakers initially hoped when the major economies went into lockdown in March.

Some consumption should return relatively quickly as factories are allowed to restart and the movement of raw materials, semi-finished items and final products resumes.

Indeed, distillate consumption has already recovered modestly since April, when it was down by around 20% year-on-year.

But manufacturing surveys show output continuing to slide, even as lockdowns relax, as businesses struggle with the build up of unsold inventories along the supply chain and low sales to end users.

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标签:柴油 蒸馏燃料
