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作者: 2020年06月05日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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挪威国家统计局补充称,目前正在议会审议的减税计划可能导致企业批准更多项目,包括NOAKA、Eldfisk North、Grevling和Lavrans油田开发项目。因此,2021年的投资支出降幅不太可能低于本次调查显示的降幅。

受到需求和油价疲软的双重影响,近日,挪威央行首次将关键政策利率下调至0%。经纪商Handelsbanken Capital Markets在给客户的报告中写道:“毫无疑问,今明两年,实际石油投资将大幅下滑,这将对经济的整体复苏产生压力。”

(1美元= 9.4754挪威克朗)

王佳晶 摘译自 路透社


Norway oil firms slash investment plans amid pandemic

Norwegian oil and gas investment, a key economic driver, is expected to decline sharply in 2021 after rising less than previously anticipated this year, an industry survey by the national statistics agency (SSB) showed on Thursday.

The biggest drop will come in the exploration for new reserves and in spending on development plans, while ongoing oilfield construction work continues largely as expected, the data showed.

The closely watched forecasts, based on data from oil companies, show 2020 investment plans have been cut to 180.3 billion Norwegian crowns ($19 billion) from 185.4 billion seen in February, but still up from 177.5 billion in 2019.

Next year, investment in Norway’s oil sector is now projected at 145.6 billion crowns, compared with a forecast of 152 billion three months ago, SSB said.

The price of North Sea oil hit two-decade lows in April as coronavirus lockdowns and travel restrictions sharply reduced demand for fossil fuels, but have since recovered some losses as major producing nations agreed to cut their output.

Oil companies, including Norway’s state-controlled Equinor, have said they intend to reduce both operating and capital spending in order to preserve cash during the downturn.

A planned tax cut currently making its way through parliament could lead companies to sanction more projects however, including the NOAKA, Eldfisk North, Grevling and Lavrans oilfield developments, the statistics agency added.

“Therefore, it is not unlikely that the decline for 2021 will be less severe than what is indicated in this survey,” SSB said.

Norway’s central bank recently cut its key policy interest rate to zero percent for the first time, citing the twin impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and weak oil prices.

“There are no doubts that real petroleum investments are headed for a significant decline during 2020-21, something which will weigh on the recovery of the overall economy,” brokers Handelsbanken Capital Markets wrote in a note to clients.

($1 = 9.4754 Norwegian crowns)

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标签:挪威 油气投资计划
