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作者: 2020年06月08日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据能源世界网6月5日新德里报道,根据清洁能源咨询公司Bridge to India最新报告,新冠肺炎大流行造成了数次运营和财务挫折,使2020年太阳能新增装机发电量预估从之前的130-135吉瓦降低了20%至约105吉瓦。

据能源世界网6月5日新德里报道,根据清洁能源咨询公司Bridge to India最新报告,新冠肺炎大流行造成了数次运营和财务挫折,使2020年太阳能新增装机发电量预估从之前的130-135吉瓦降低了20%至约105吉瓦。





题为“疫情对全球太阳能市场的影响”的报告称,这两个优先事项都发挥了太阳能技术的优势。 预计传统能源投资者将加快向可再生能源的转变。



郝芬 译自 能源世界网


Global solar capacity addition set to plummet by 20 per cent in 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused several operational and financial setbacks bringing down solar capacity addition estimates by 20 per cent to about 105 GW for 2020 from the previous forecast of 130-135 GW, according to a latest report by Bridge to India.

Apart from the pandemic crisis, there were many other short to mid-term implications for the sector, the clean energy consultancy said.

These included fall in fossil fuel and conventional power prices posing viability risk to grid parity-based projects, deteriorating financial condition of utilities, higher offtake risk for power producers, and disruption in construction activity resulting in higher costs and potentially lower revenues.

It added that other reasons were delay in government procurement programmes, sharp downturn in end consumer driven markets, pressure on smaller equipment manufacturers, risk of growing trade barriers, and constrained financing.

The pandemic has refocused attention of governments and policymakers to fight climate change and localise energy supply.

“Both these priorities play to solar technology’s advantage. Investors in conventional energy are expected to accelerate the shift towards renewable energy,” said the report titled ‘COVID-19: Impact on global solar market’.

According to the report, while designing economic stimulus packages, the governments need to consider long-term structural benefits such as energy access, job creation, reducing emissions, and technology innovation.

The clean energy consultancy added that the focus should be on reducing risks especially for small developers and ensuring financing support for the highly vulnerable distributed solar market. And added that adequate access to low-cost debt and other financing mechanisms should be ensured for emerging markets to maintain growth momentum in the sector.

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标签:太阳能 化石燃料 传统电力
