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作者: 2020年06月10日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据6月8日Energy Voice报道,石油和天然气管理局(OGA)已经同意延长两份北海南部的许可证,这两份许可证预计将由壳牌管理。

据6月8日Energy Voice报道,石油和天然气管理局(OGA)已经同意延长两份北海南部的许可证,这两份许可证预计将由壳牌管理。


今年1月,壳牌表示,在与Egdon Resources达成协议后,已同意将这些许可证投入运营。壳牌将持有约克郡以外地区70%的股权,并成为运营商,该公司正在等待OGA的批准。

这家英荷合资企业还将为这两个项目采集和处理三维地震数据支付85%的费用,上限为390万英镑(500万美元)。超过这个限度,Egdon 将支付30%的费用。此外,壳牌还将在决定油井投资之前,支付100%的研究和人力成本。


1966年,道达尔公司发现了Resolution。Egdon董事总经理Mark Abbott表示:“我们与合作伙伴壳牌公司密切合作,很高兴与OGA达成协议,延长许可证期限,并修订工作义务和时间表。我们现在将专注于完成许可证转让和向壳牌转让经营权,并推进对Resolution和Endeavour气田的评估活动。”

洪伟立 摘译自 Energy Voice


OGA extends North Sea licences containing Shell targets

The Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has agreed to extend a pair of southern North Sea licences which are expected to come under Shell’s watch.

Licences P1929 and P2304 will be extended to May 31, 2024 provided a 3D seismic shoot is undertaken by June next year and a well is drilled by November 30, 2022.

In January, Shell said it had agreed to farm into the licences after striking a deal with Egdon Resources.

Shell would take a 70% stake in the licences, located off Yorkshire, and become operator, pending OGA approval.

The Anglo-Dutch major would also stump up 85% of the cost of gathering and processing 3D seismic data on the two targets, capped at £3.9 million ($5m). Beyond that point, Egdon would pay 30% of the costs.

And Shell would pay 100% of all studies and manpower costs prior to a well investment decision being made on the acreage.

With the licence extensions now agreed, Egdon said it would “progress the assignment of the licence interests and operatorship” to Shell.

The licences contain the Resolution and Endeavour gas discoveries, thought to hold contingent resources of 231 billion cubic feet of gas and 18 bcf respectively.

Resolution was discovered by Total in 1966.

Egdon managing director Mark Abbott said: “Working closely with our partner Shell, we are pleased to have reached agreement with the OGA to extend the Licences coupled with revised work obligations and timelines.

“We will now focus on completing the licence assignments and transfer of operatorship to Shell and progressing the planned appraisal activity on the Resolution and Endeavour gas discoveries.

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标签:壳牌北海 许可证
