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作者: 2020年06月11日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据道琼斯6月9日消息,在英国石油公司(BP)宣布计划裁员近1万人之后,华威商学院(Warwick Business School)表示,疫情影响可能会促使各大石油公司加快发展可再生能源。华威商学院表示,疫情减少了石油需求,原油价格大

据道琼斯6月9日消息,在英国石油公司(BP)宣布计划裁员近1万人之后,华威商学院(Warwick Business School)表示,疫情影响可能会促使各大石油公司加快发展可再生能源。华威商学院表示,疫情减少了石油需求,原油价格大幅下跌,但这是在短期和长期下跌的更广泛背景下发生的。所有公司都将想方设法削减成本,将活动转移至低成本油气田,削减投资,并支付可承受的股息。华威商学院教授大卫?埃尔梅斯(David Elmes)表示:“BP和其他欧洲跨国公司已经表示,随着时间的推移,它们将不再那么关注石油和天然气。如果这种情况继续下去,将会有激烈的讨论,讨论他们能做些什么来加快行动。”

张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯


BP Cuts 10,000 Jobs as Virus Sparks Industry Re-Think

The fall-out from the coronavirus pandemic could cause oil majors to speed up efforts to embrace renewable energy, says Warwick Business School after BP announced plans to cut nearly 10,000 jobs. The virus has reduced oil demand and crude prices have plunged, but that's happened in a wider context of short-term and long-term decline, WBS says. All sector firms will be looking at ways to cut costs, shift activities to the lowest-cost field, trim investment and pay affordable dividends. "BP and other European-based international companies have already said they'll become less focused on oil and gas over time," says WBS's Professor David Elmes. "If this situation continues, there will be intense discussions about what they can do to move faster."

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