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挪国油与Aker BP达成挪威海岸油气开发协议

作者: 2020年06月15日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据路透社6月11日报道,挪国油Equinor和Aker BP公司周四表示,已经就如何联合开发挪威海岸最大的剩余油气储量达成了协议。

据路透社6月11日报道,挪国油Equinor和Aker BP公司周四表示,已经就如何联合开发挪威海岸最大的剩余油气储量达成了协议。




王佳晶 摘译自 路透社


Norwegian oil firms finally agree offshore development plan

Equinor and Aker BP have struck a deal on how to jointly develop one of the largest remaining oil and gas reserves off the coast of Norway, the companies said on Thursday.

The Krafla, Fulla and North of Alvheim area, estimated to contain more than 500 million barrels of oil equivalent, will be subject to joint investment, with the construction of platforms and equipment expected to begin in 2022.

The companies, which have long been gridlocked over the development, did not present a startup date for production or an estimate for the cost of developing the field.

The plan consists of a processing platform in the southern part operated by Aker BP and an unmanned processing platform in the north operated by Equinor, with options for several smaller satellite units that can feed into those main units.

The breakthrough was announced just days after Norway’s parliament agreed to a set of temporary tax cuts for the oil industry in a bid to spur investment and save jobs threatened by cost cuts amid the coronavirus pandemic.

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标签:挪国油Equinor Aker BP公司
