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贝克休斯完成北极LNG 2号航改燃气轮机测试

作者: 2020年06月17日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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2018年12月,诺瓦泰克公司选择贝克休斯公司为北极LNG 2号项目提供LM9000航改燃气轮机。FETT的成功完成为诺瓦泰克的新LNG项目提供相同的涡轮机铺平了道路。


贝克休斯涡轮机械和过程解决方案执行副总裁Rod Christie表示:“这是我们创新的LM9000涡轮技术不断发展的关键里程碑,也是按时交付北极 LNG 2号项目的重要一步,尽管面临疫情的挑战,Arctic LNG 2仍在按计划进行。” “基于我们30多年来提供高效、可靠的液化天然气技术的记录,FETT的结果充分肯定了LM9000对于诸如北极LNG 2号这样的全球主要LNG项目的灵活性,可靠性和适用性。”

诺瓦泰克液化天然气项目主管Igor Chasnyk称:“FETT结果证实了LM9000涡轮机是诺瓦泰克LNG项目的正确选择。除了更好的技术规格,机器在环境性能方面也脱颖而出,这将真正有助于诺瓦泰克生产最绿色的液化天然气的战略”。


贝克休斯的北极LNG 2号项目的总体工作范围包括提供用于发电的涡轮机械设备和三条基于重力结构(GBS)的液化生产线,这些生产线每年将生产660万吨液化天然气,总产量为1980万吨/年。

裘寅 编译自 油气新闻


Baker Hughes Meets Key Performance Milestone for Novatek’s Arctic LNG 2 Project

Baker Hughes announced the completion of the First Engine to Test (FETT) for the LM9000 aeroderivative gas turbine. The test took place at the company’s advanced turbomachinery testing facilities in Florence and Massa, Italy.

In December 2018, NOVATEK selected Baker Hughes for the supply of LM9000 aeroderivative gas turbines for the Arctic LNG 2 Project. The successful FETT completion paves the way for the supply of the same turbines for NOVATEK's new LNG projects.

The successful test completion confirms the LM9000 as the most powerful and most efficient aeroderivative gas turbine in its class with simple cycle efficiency in excess of 44% and a power output 15% higher compared to industry peers. This efficiency is key to driving lower carbon intensity and combined with lower NOx emissions (15 ppm in dry condition, 40% lower than competing technology) makes for a more environmentally sensitive solution. A small footprint and innovative module design for fast and easy maintenance make the LM9000 the gas turbine of choice for all mechanical drive and power generation applications.

“This is a crucial milestone for the ongoing development of our innovative LM9000 turbine technology and an important step forward in the on time delivery of Arctic LNG 2, which continues to be on track despite COVID-19 challenges,” said Rod Christie, executive vice president, Turbomachinery & Process Solutions, Baker Hughes. “Building on our 30-year-plus track record of delivering highly efficient and reliable LNG technology, the FETT results are a strong recognition of the LM9000’s flexibility, reliability and suitability for major LNG projects around the world such as Arctic LNG 2.”

"The FETT results confirm the LM9000 turbine is the right choice for NOVATEK's LNG projects. In addition to better technical specifications, the machines also stand out in terms of environmental performance that will truly contribute to NOVATEK's strategy of producing the greenest LNG," said Igor Chasnyk, director for LNG projects, NOVATEK.

The successful FETT leveraged Baker Hughes’ turbomachinery remote testing capabilities to overcome travel restrictions imposed by COVID-19. More than 80 experts from various locations were connected remotely to perform the Full Speed and Full Load test. In addition, remote witness technology, such as smart glasses and helmets, enabled real-time and seamless sharing of machine inspections and virtual testing performed in Massa with the extended teams around the world.

Baker Hughes’ overall scope of work for Arctic LNG 2 includes the supply of turbomachinery equipment for power generation and three liquefaction trains on gravity-based structures (GBS) that will produce 6.6 million tons of LNG per annum each, for a total production of 19.8 MTPA.

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标签:贝克休斯 燃气轮机 涡轮机械
