英国石油公司修正后的投资评估的长期价格假设是,从2021年到2050年,布伦特原油的平均价格为55美元/桶,Henry Hub天然气为2.9美元/百万英热。BP认为这些较低的长期价格假设范围广泛符合巴黎气候目标的一系列过渡路径。
BP首席执行官Bernard Looney表示:“今年2月,我们打算在2050年或更早之前成为一家净零排放的公司。”
曹海斌 摘译自 能源之声
BP predicts impairments of up to US$17.5 billion in 2Q20
BP has said that it is expecting estimated 2Q20 non-cash impairment charges and write-offs to be in an aggregate range of US$13 billion to US$17.5 billion post-tax.
BP’s revised investment appraisal long-term price assumptions are now an average of around US$55/bbl for Brent and US$2.90 per mmBtu for Henry Hub gas, from 2021 – 2050. These lower long-term price assumptions are considered by BP to be broadly in line with a range of transition paths consistent with the Paris climate goals.
BP has also revised its carbon prices for the period to 2050 and these now include a price of US$100/teCO2 in 2030.
The company has also said that it reviewing its intent to develop some of its exploration prospects and consequently is assessing the carrying values of the group’s intangible assets.
BP’s 2Q20 results are expected to be released on 4 August 2020.
“In February we set out to become a net zero company by 2050 or sooner”, said Bernard Looney, BP's CEO.
“Since then we have been in action, developing our strategy to become a more diversified, resilient and lower carbon company. As part of that process, we have been reviewing our price assumptions over a longer horizon.
“So, we have reset our price outlook to reflect that impact and the likelihood of greater efforts to ‘build back better’ towards a Paris-consistent world. We are also reviewing our development plans. All that will result in a significant charge in our upcoming results, but I am confident that these difficult decisions – rooted in our net zero ambition – will better enable us to compete through the energy transition.”