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作者: 2020年06月18日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据美国钻井网站2020年6月15日报道,根据挪威能源研究和商业情报公司雷斯塔能源公司(Rystad Energy)对美国劳工统计局公布的最新统计数据的分析,美国石油和天然气市场是受最近经济衰退影响最严重的市场之一。据雷斯

据美国钻井网站2020年6月15日报道,根据挪威能源研究和商业情报公司雷斯塔能源公司(Rystad Energy)对美国劳工统计局公布的最新统计数据的分析,美国石油和天然气市场是受最近经济衰退影响最严重的市场之一。据雷斯塔能源公司称,美国油气行业在油价暴跌期间已经失去了超过10万个工作岗位,其中大部分来自于支持活动市场。







雷斯塔能源公司负责能源服务研究的副总裁Matthew Fitzsimmons称,“裁员主要是由于国内石油需求急剧萎缩导致油价暴跌和供需失衡。”“为了应对疲软的需求,运营商和服务提供商都在疯狂裁员。”




Fitzsimmons 说:“总的说来,裁员对油田服务行业的影响将大于勘探和生产企业。由于经济低迷,油田服务行业可能会看到超过20%的页岩、陆上和海上员工被裁减。当其他行业开始看到劳动力需求走上复苏之路时,然而对油气行业劳动者而言,要看到需求增加,将被迫将再次等待更长时间。

李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


Rystad Says Over 100K US Oil, Gas Jobs Lost Amid Oil Slump

The U.S. oil and gas labor market is one of the world’s most severely impacted by the latest economic downturn, according to recent Rystad Energy analysis of the latest US BLS labor data. According the firm, over 100,000 jobs in the sector have already been lost, with most of them coming from the support activities market.

The data shows the four oil and gas segments most affected are:

?Support activities for oil and gas operations (44,550 jobs cut from a pre-Covid-19 level of 233,550)

?Pipeline and gas and related construction (16,000 jobs cut from 227,000)

?Drilling of oil and gas wells (13,450 jobs cut from 79,450) and

?Oil and gas extraction (9,600 jobs cut from 156,600)

In its analysis Rystad Energy included more components of the oil and gas industry chain and is independently estimating the total job cuts to exceed 100,000 to date. Of the four segments above, the support activities segment took the biggest hit, slumping 20% compared to February’s pre-Covid-19 levels, according to Rystad.

“The job cuts can be attributed mainly to the nosediving oil prices driven by a sharp contraction in domestic oil demand, which has resulted in an unprecedented demand-supply imbalance,” said Rystad Energy’s Vice President, Energy Service Research, Matthew Fitzsimmons. “In response to the weakened demand, operators and service providers alike have been frantically cutting jobs.”

On top of navigating the safety risks with ongoing work, various large operators have also been delaying or cancelling new facility construction.

“In Louisiana alone, more than 40% of liquefied natural gas (LNG) investments scheduled for this year have been postponed or canceled,” Rystad said in a written statement. “A revival in construction labor demand may take some time as delays mean weather windows for construction will be missed. In addition, the weak financial stability of service companies may leave them unable to ramp up hiring fast when conditions improve.”

The firm also expects to see deep pay cuts as companies work to right-size in the “new normal” oil market. According to Rystad estimates, wages for various trades will likely fall by at least 8% to 10% moving into next year.

“Overall, the impact of the job cuts would be greater for the oilfield services sector than for exploration and production companies. OFS companies are likely to see more than 20% of its shale, onshore and offshore workforce combined cut by the downturn. While other industries have started to see labor demand embark on a road to recovery, oil and gas workers will have to wait longer for demand to increase,” Fitzsimmons said.

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标签:美国 油价暴跌 油气工作岗位
