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壳牌预计推迟Prelude FLNG复产

作者: 2020年06月28日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据6月22日Offshore Energy消息:液化天然气巨头壳牌预计,在第三季度开始前,其位于西澳大利亚近海的Prelude FLNG工厂不会恢复生产。

据6月22日Offshore Energy消息:液化天然气巨头壳牌预计,在第三季度开始前,其位于西澳大利亚近海的Prelude FLNG工厂不会恢复生产。




壳牌运营着距离西澳大利亚布鲁姆475公里的Prelude FLNG公司,持有该公司67.5%的股份。

冯娟 摘译自 Offshore Energy


Shell doesn’t expect Prelude FLNG restart before Q3

LNG giant Shell is not expecting to restart production at its Prelude FLNG facility offshore Western Australia before the start of the third quarter.

Shell hasn’t exported any cargoes from the FLNG for almost five months following an electrical trip on February 2.

“Start-up timing will depend on Covid-19 constraints and compliance with government directions, which will result in a reduction in the number of people on board the facility”, a Shell spokesperson said in a emailed statement on Monday.

The spokesperson said that due to these constraints and the impact on the start-up processes, “production is not expected before Q3”.

Prelude shipped its first cargo last year following several start-up delays.

The FLNG has the capacity to produce 3.6 mtpa of LNG, 1.3 mtpa of condensate and 0.4 mtpa of LPG.

Shell operates the Prelude FLNG, located 475 km from Broome in Western Australia, with a 67.5 per cent stake.

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标签:壳牌 液化天然气 Prelude FLNG工厂
