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作者: 2020年07月03日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据油气新闻6月30日消息称,纳蒂雷尔能源公司周二在一份声明中称,土耳其公司纳蒂雷尔能源公司和KURTEKS Tekstil Enerji签署协议,将在意大利开发建设一座50兆瓦的太阳能发电厂。

据油气新闻6月30日消息称,纳蒂雷尔能源公司周二在一份声明中称,土耳其公司纳蒂雷尔能源公司和KURTEKS Tekstil Enerji签署协议,将在意大利开发建设一座50兆瓦的太阳能发电厂。

该合同的总价值为4500万欧元,其中不包括由Naturel Enerji提供项目资金的增值税。




曹海斌 摘译自 油气新闻


Turkish companies sign deal for solar power plant in Italy

Turkish companies Naturel Enerji and KURTEKS Tekstil Enerji signed an agreement for the development and construction of a 50-megawatt solar power plant in Italy, Naturel energy said in a statement on Tuesday.

The total value of the contract is €45 million, excluding VAT with Naturel Enerji providing project funding.

The companies will undertake project development, EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) and a PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) on a turnkey basis.

According to the statement, the project is considered one of the biggest in Italy and Europe and is unique for Turkish Investors and EPC contractors in terms of its size, characteristics, location and context.

The plant will be built on solar tracker systems, and the electricity produced will be sold through PPAs to private consumers.

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标签:纳蒂雷尔能源 太阳能发电厂
