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2019-2020财年印度Petronet LNG利润触新高

作者: 2020年07月06日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据世界天然气网站6月30日消息 印度最大的液化天然气进口商Petronet LNG在截至2020年3月31日的财政年度报告了创纪录的税后利润和液化天然气终端业务量。

据世界天然气网站6月30日消息 印度最大的液化天然气进口商Petronet LNG在截至2020年3月31日的财政年度报告了创纪录的税后利润和液化天然气终端业务量。

在本报告所述财政年度,Petronet LNG的税后利润(PAT)为269.8亿印度卢比(3.5715亿美元),相比之下,该公司的税后利润为215.5亿印度卢比(2.853亿美元)。

Petronet LNG指出,这是该公司创纪录的年度利润。



吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


Petronet LNG boasts record profit in FY 2019-2020

Petronet LNG, India’s largest importer of liquefied natural gas, reported record profit after tax as well as LNG terminals activity during the financial year ending March 31, 2020.

During the financial year under review, Petronet LNG reported a profit after tax (PAT) of 26.98 billion Indian Rupees ($357.15 million) which compares to 21.55 billion Indian Rupees ($285.30 million).

Petronet LNG noted this is the company’s record annual profit.

The profit after tax for the current quarter was reported at 3.59 billion Indian Rupees ($47.5 million) which compares 6.75 billion Indian Rupees ($89.3 million) and 4.40 billion Indian Rupees ($58.2 million) for the previous quarter and corresponding quarter, respectively.

The robust financial results in 2019-20, have been attributed to higher volumes processed at the Dahej terminal with the capacity expansion and better efficiency in operations.

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