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作者: 2020年07月06日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据离岸工程网站7月1日消息 挪威能源巨头Equinor周三表示,将在英国建造一座碳储存工厂,捕获的碳将被储存在北海的近海储存库中。

据离岸工程网站7月1日消息 挪威能源巨头Equinor周三表示,将在英国建造一座碳储存工厂,捕获的碳将被储存在北海的近海储存库中。


Equinor表示,这个名为“Humber Saltend”的项目为英国排放量最大的亨伯地区的脱碳产业集群提供了开端。

该项目将位于赫尔市附近的Saltend Chemicals Park,其初始阶段包括一个600兆瓦的自动热转化炉(ATR),该装置具有碳捕获功能,是世界上最大的将天然气转化为氢气的工厂。

Equinor 表示:“这将使园区内的工业客户能够完全转向氢气,而园区内的发电厂将转向30%的氢-天然气混合物。因此,Saltend Chemicals Park每年的二氧化碳排放量将减少近90万吨。”

Per Equinor、Saltend Chemicals Park包括化工厂和Triton Power的联合循环燃气轮机(CCGT)发电站,目前每年排放约350万吨二氧化碳。



吴恒磊 编译自 离岸工程


UK: Equinor Building Hydrogen Plant with Offshore CCS

Norwegian energy giant Equinor said Wednesday it would build a gas-to-hydrogen plant in the UK in combination with carbon capture and storage. The captured carbon would be stored in offshore storage in the North Sea.

Equinor said the facility would be "one of the UK’s – and the world’s – first at-scale facilities to produce hydrogen from natural gas in combination with carbon capture and storage (CCS)."

The project, called Hydrogen to Humber Saltend (H2H Saltend), provides the beginnings of a decarbonized industrial cluster in the Humber region, the UK’s largest by emissions, Equinor said.

The project will be located at Saltend Chemicals Park near the city of Hull and its initial phase comprises a 600-megawatt auto thermal reformer (ATR) with carbon capture, "the largest plant of its kind in the world, to convert natural gas to hydrogen."

"It will enable industrial customers in the Park to fully switch over to hydrogen, and the power plant in the Park to move to a 30% hydrogen to natural gas blend. As a result, emissions from Saltend Chemicals Park will reduce by nearly 900,000 tonnes of CO2 per year," Equinor added.

Per Equinor, Saltend Chemicals Park, which comprises chemicals plants and Triton Power’s Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) power station, currently emits around 3.5 million tonnes of CO2 per year.

"Following the initial phase of the project, emissions are projected to fall to 2.6 million tonnes," Equinor said.

Carbon dioxide emissions will be captured and transported east by pipeline to offshore underground storage in the Endurance aquifer, located in the Southern North Sea.

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